Page 90 - PDF_Oxford Grammar for Schools 5_Neat 1
P. 90

Look at the sentences below about astronauts. Read the text to decide ifthe sentences are true or false.
                ÿ  The first astronaut travelled into space in 1961. true /false
                1 'Astro' means space so 'naut' must mean'sailor'. true /false
                2 You have to travel more than 100km into space to be an astronaut, true / false
                3 More than 520 people must have flown into space in the last fifteen years, true / false
                4 The pilot has to take command of the whole space mission, true /false
                5 All mission specialists have to do space walks and repairs, true / false
                6 A space agency might accept someone with a university degree in mathematics and good eyesight
                   for the selection process, true /false
                7 A space agency might accept an experienced jet pilot with high blood pressurefor the selection
                   process, true /false
                8 Someone who is 195cm tall can't become an astronaut, true /false
                9 Mission specialists needn't understand the mechanics of the spacecraft, true / false
               10 Astronauts in training must spend a lot of time working underwater in a space suit, true / false


             From the first manned spaceflight in 1961to
             trips to the International Space Station in the last
             fifteen years, more than 520 people from around                  These are the basic qualifications that you need
             the  ujorld  have become astronauts.                             to apply to a space agency.
             The  ujord  'astronaut' comes from the Greek and                  +  You need a university degree in engineering,
             means 'space sailor'. In official terms, an astronaut                science or mathematics.
             is someone who has flown more than 100kminto                      +  You need to have 1,000 hours experience as
                                                                                  a  jet pilot  in command.

                                                                               +  You need to pass a physical examination,
                                                                                  which covers the follouuing areas.
             On a space flight there uuill always be a                            You need to be able to see long distance and
             commander, a pilot and mission specialists.                          things near to you.

             The commander has responsibility for a whole                         You can't have high blood pressure.
             space mission.The pilot helps the commander                          You must be between 158cmand 191cmtall.
             to control and operate the spacecraft and other
             space vehicles, mission specialists have specific                 Applicants must write a CV that includes all their
             duties in different areas. They might do space                    skills, experience and references.
             walks, experiments or repairs.
                                                                                 The selection process

                                                                               The space agency selects about 100 candidates.
                                                                               These candidates have to attend interviews and
                                                                               medical tests for a week.

                                                                                 The training process

                                                                               fill astronauts need to train for two years.
                                                                               They have to learn about the mechanics of the
                                                                               spacecraft and how to operate its systems.
                                                                               They also have to do a lot of training
                                                                               underwater in swimming pools because this is
                                                                               similar to being in space. For this training, the
                                                                               astronauts have to wear space suits.

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