Page 94 - PDF_Oxford Grammar for Schools 5_Neat 1
P. 94
*1 o 16.1 Listen to the questions.What are they o 1 6.3 Listen to the questions.Tick the best
asking about? Listen and number the pictures. answer for each question.
ÿ a Everyday. 0
b Wood and glass. O
c Because she lives near me. ÿ
1 a To the shops. O
b It's about 20km from here. _|
c Tomorrow. Q
2 a Because I'm cold.
b About 10minutes. Q
c To school. O
3 a At six o'clock. ÿ
b It's Martin's. ÿ
Ml u c Paper. Q
4 a Katie. O
b On Fridays. O
c Really good. I I
5 a It's Jenny's. ÿ
b Wood and metal. Z]
1 c About half ten o'clock. I I
6 a About 500 metres. ÿ
%2 ©o 16.2 Listen,then answer the question . b Three times a week. Q
about pronunciation.Then listen again and
c It's big,with lots of fruit trees. O
repeat the questions.
whm teste it totted ta? 15 Circle the correct options. Practise reading the
H-ow old is It? H-ow did that hfl-p-peÿv? questions with the correct intonation.
whose IsIt? what's the climate litee?
ÿ ('How / What late was Heidi?' 'About ten minutes.'
Does the voice go up or down at the end 1 'What was the meal like / for?' 'It was delicious!
of each question? Ireally enjoyed it.'
a Down [~~] 2 'Who did you see / saw you?' 'I saw Linda.'
b Up C 3 'What / Why did you say that for?' 'Because it's
4 'What makes you / do you make happy?'
* 3 Complete the questions with the correct question
'Good food and good music!'
How What Which When WhoseO
word from the box. 5 'Which likes you / do you like best - mornings
How or evenings?' 'Evenings.'
Where Who Why 6 'When / What month is your birthday?' 'August.'
ÿ what 's it made of- glass or plastic?
_ 1 6 Work in pairs. Ask and answer questions
1 book is this - yours or Carrie's?
2 _ do you prefer - red or blue? and complete your story.
Student A turn to page 182.
3 _ are your keys - in your bag or in your
Student B turn to page 184.
did you open it- with scissors or with
a knife?
_ shall we stop - now or in five minutes?
didn't you come - becauseyou couldn't
or because you didn't want to?
_ won - you or Frank?
_ good are you at tennis - good or very
94 Questions and question tags