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P. 98

Relative clauses and exclamatory


                           I can use defining and non-defining relativeclauses; Ican use exclamatory sentences.

          Defining relative clauses

             Defining relative clauses give essential explanatory
             information about the subject or object of a sentence.
             The subject or object can be a person,thing or place.

             We use the relative pronouns who, which, whose, or
                                                                                 Here's a  fact  which  you -probably  doi/v't \z\mw.
             that to introduce defining relative clauses.
                                                                                 ihe twIiaÿ"Barred  Tree Si/U»te£, which lives luv
             We use who or that when the defining relative clause                Asia, cflkv -fly  i oo metres -from,the to-p  of  a tree'.
             gives information about a person.
                                                                                lÉBÿjRS;: .            \  -flyivuj st-vfltee? Howweird
              Mainclause                    7spoke to the man.'

              Essential                     'Which man?'                     We use the relative adverb where when the defining
              information                   'He painted this picture.'
                                                                             relative clause gives informationabout a place.
              Sentencewith defining         '1spoke to the man who/
              relative clause              that paintedthispicture.'           Mainclause                   'We're going to the café.'

                                                                               Essential                    'Whichcafé?'
             We use which or that when the defining relative clause
                                                                               information                  'Anna works there.'
             gives information about a thing or animal.
                                                                               Sentence with defining       'We're going to the café
              Mainclause                   'I've eaten the cake.'              relativeclause               where Anna works.'
              Essential                     'Which cake?'
                                                                             When the person or thing is the object of the defining
              information                   'Youmadeit.'
                                                                             relative clause, the relative pronoun (who, which or
              Sentencewith defining         'I've eaten the cake which/       that) can be omitted.
              relative clause              that you made.'                                            object
                                                                             Ispoke to agirl. You metheryesterday.
             We use whose when the defining relative clause gives
             information linking a person to another person or               Ispoke to the girl (who/that) you metyesterday.
             thing as a possession.
                                                                              We can't do this when the person or thing isthe
                                                                              subject of the defining relative clause.
              Mainclause                    7 was helping the girl.'
              Essential                     'Which girl?'
              information                   'Her suitcase broke.'            Ispoke to a girl. She's got eight brothers.

              Sentencewith defining         7 was helping the girl           Ispoke to a girlwho's goteight brothers.
              relative clause               whose suitcase broke.'
                                                                              We can never omit the relative pronouns whose
                                                                             and where.


           *1 o 17.1 Listen and tick the thing, place or person they talk about.

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