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P. 103
Exam preparation
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In the year 2000 historians opened a bottle of perfume pleasant-smelling smoke, or incense, which many
which had been underwater in a shipwreck since 1912. people still use today.
Incredibly,the liquid in the bottle was still a strong
Around 3000 BC, the ancient Egyptians found a
and beautiful rose perfume.
way to make perfume for the body.They extracted
The bottle, which came from the 'Titanic', was one essential oils from plants,flowers and fragrant wood
of several bottles which had belonged to a German and added it to fat or other oils such as almond oil.
perfume-maker who was travelling on the ship. Popular scents were rose, cinnamon and sandalwood.
A historian who was in the room when the bottle
The Egyptians put these perfumes into attractive
was opened cried with emotion at the beautiful scent.
containers, which they traded with people in
Perfume, which has the power to change people's other places.
emotions, has been part of human history for
In 2003, archeologists on Cyprus found perfume
thousands of years.The word 'perfume' comes from bottles and mixing jugs which showed that people
the Latinwords 'through' (per) and 'smoke' (fumus).
there were making perfume in 2000 BC.They mixed
What's the connection betweensmoke and perfume? essential oilsof pine-,almond andbergamotwith olive
The Mesopotamians, who lived more than 6,000 oil to make their perfumes.
years ago, burnt wood and resin.This produced
ÿ What kindof writing is this? 3 According to the text,which istrue?
A 1 an opinion article A ] Thousands of years ago, people in Egypt and
B ÿ an advertisement Cyprus made perfume which was made from
C 0 an informationarticle plant oil.
D ]a story B J The Mesopotamians used similar methods but
different ingredients.
1 What's the purpose of the information about
C The Mesopotamians didn't like oily perfumes for
the bottle of the perfumefrom the Titanic?
A to show that people who were on the the body.
Titanic used perfume D The ancient Egyptians were the only ancient
B to give information about the history of civilization who used perfume bottles.
perfume-making inGermany 4 What's 'resin'(paragraph 4)?
C J to tell a story about recent history which A | It's someone who makes perfume.
shows the power of perfume B It's fragrant smoke which comes from
D to give an example of an object that wood.
archeologists found on the Titanic C It's a substance which you can burn.
D ~] It's an oily perfume which you can put on
2 What question does this text answer?
your body.
A What did ancient Egyptian perfume
bottles look like? 5 Why was perfume important for the ancient Egyptians?
B How did perfume-making begin? aD It was a business commodity.
C Where can I learn more about the history B Historians and archeologists aren't sure.
of perfume? C They mixed rose, cinnamon and sandalwood oil
D ] Why did ancient Egyptians use perfume? with fat or other oil.
D They put it into beautiful bottles.
Exam preparation Units 16-17 103