Page 108 - PDF_Oxford Grammar for Schools 5_Neat 1
P. 108

:i;4           018.2 Work in groups.Test your mental               %7 O 18.3 Listen to Andy and Julia talking about it

                          maths! Listen and do the maths.Which                     the first four sentences in exercise 6. Do they
                          group can call out the correct answer first?             agree (ÿ) or disagree (x) with the sentence?       O
                 add (+)    subtract (-)    divide (ÿ-)   multiply (x) O           ÿ     Andy                      Julia

                     A-A.    _A_ A_                                                 ÿ
                   What do you get     if you                                            X                         X
                   subtract  five from, y-o?          <¿>5\                         1                              /

                             What do you get     Ifyou                              3
                             divide 2.0  by two?                T£n!
                                    vv —v
                                                                              ÿ;8            Talk in groups. Do you agree or disagree
                     what do   you 0et Ifyou                                                 with the sentences in exercise 6?

                     multi-ply ten by ten?              1001
                         — —       v-                                                    Ithlntethat   If friend   Is  really
                           _  _A_A _     A a.                                            sad there are lots of  things you
                              what do you get     If you                                 can do to help them.                     Me too.
                              add sixteen and sixteen?           32!
                                  — —       v                                               Use the clauses below and your own ideas

                                                                                           to write ten zero conditional sentences
           #              Work in pairs.Write six sums using                                about things that are always true for you.
                          numbers between 1 and 500.Then test
                                                                                     Ican't sleep   I feel ill  Ifeel angry  Ishout
                          another pair.Make sure you know the
                                                                                     Isneeze    Ilaugh    Igo for a run    I close my eyes
                                                                                     Ifeel dizzy   I have a hot bath

                     20 + a =        ±5<¿> - 1-f =       ±y-x 3 =
                                                                                     IT'S JIA¿TTH§ WAy 1
                                                                                     if  I can't sleep read a boote.
                                                                                     ( can't sleep  if  a clocte Istlcteing.
                                     fyou divide so
                 what do you get I                      by two?       40.
                                                                                     ( shout  If someone can't hear me.

           ;i6 Complete the sentences with the correct form of
                the verb in brackets.                                                        Work in small groups. Read out and

                ÿ  If a friend Is      (be) sad there Isn't       (not/                      compare your sentences from exercise 9.
                   be) anything you can do to help.                                          How many of your sentences are the
                    _                                                 O                      same?
                   I                  (not/like) it if it.
                   (rain) every day.
                   Everyone  _          _ (feel) better if they                      if  i can't sleep i read a boote.
                                    (take) regular physical exercise.
                                    _                                                       if  i can't sleep i thlnte about a place i lltee.
                3 Food                     (taste) better if you
                                    (be) really hungry.
                4 It                _ (not/matter) if you
                   _ (speak) English with the accent of
                   your own language.
                   Most plants  _                 (not/grow) well ifthey
                   _ (not/have) light and water.
                   Eating sweets  _   _ (not/give) you
                   energy ifyou                    (be) tired.
                              _ _
                   If children                  (watch) a lot of TV it
                                    (make) them more intelligent.

                8 If you            _      (cry) at a sad film it
                                    (mean) you're a weak person.

          1 08 Zero and first conditional
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