Page 104 - PDF_Oxford Grammar for Schools 5_Neat 1
P. 104

The people below are looking for a website. Read about eight websites and decide which website
                would be most suitable for each person.

                                Paul's thirteen years old. He's been                        Cathy needs to find some questions for a
                                ill and he wants to watch things that                       school quiz.The theme is sport.
                                are interesting and funny too.

                                Amy's going to leave school next                            Tony is doing a piece of homework about
                                year. She can't decide what kind of                         an event which happened in 1964. He
                                job she'd like to do.                                       wants photos which will make his project
                                                                                            more interesting.

                                Sidney has a friend whose young
                                brother has a special talent for music.
                                Hewants to read the biography of a
                                talented musician.

                A    What will Ilook like?                                       E    Who said it?

                     Howwill your face change over the next five                      'Who said it?'is a website that has hundreds of
                     years?Ten years? Twenty years? Would you like                    questions about famous quotations by sports
                     to know? Upload your photo,add your health                       people,film stars, singers and other celebrities.
                     informationand see the results!                                 Answer the questions yourself or usethe
                                                                                      questions to test your friends.
                B    What's that song?

                     You're out and you hear a new song that you like.           F    See where it happened!
                     Wháft it cálléá?You el6n't know.Who wrote it?                   This is á'website where you can click on á
                     You don't know. Use the search facility on this                  historical event and see photos of the location
                     website to find it.                                              today and inthe past.Thereare also maps and
                                                                                      interesting facts that relate to the locations.
                 C   Howcrazy!
                                                                                 G    What a genius!
                     You think you've seen everything, don't you?
                     Well, you haven't until you've seen'How crazy!'                  This is a fascinating website for anyone who is
                     It's a free collection of video clips.You'll see                 interested in the minds of exceptional individuals.
                     people doing crazy things you won't believe!You                  Read the lifestories of people whose
                     must be over 12 years old.
                                                                                      achievements inthe fields of mathematics,
                                                                                      art and music make them remarkable.Click
                D    Which career?
                                                                                      on the links to see examples of these amazing
                     What are my skills? What do Ienjoy doing? How                    individuals'work.
                     important is money to me?This website helps
                     you answer these questions and to identify your             H    Dress me!
                     possible future careers.
                                                                                      Are you interested in clothes and fashion? Enter
                                                                                      your personal data into this website and it will tell
                                                                                      you the sizes and styles that you should wear.

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