Page 109 - PDF_Oxford Grammar for Schools 5_Neat 1
P. 109

First conditional                                                  *11o 18.4 Where are the conversations? Listenand

                                                                                   number the places 1-6.
                                                                                   a at home           _
                                                                                   b on a train         _
                                                                                   c in a library
                                                                                   d in a shop         _
                                                                                   e on a beach        _
                                                                                   f in a restaurant

                                                                             *12 O 18.4 Complete the conversations with the
                                                                                   phrases inthe box.Then listen again and check.

                                                                                    you should have you like you pay
                                                                                     it washes off you go you'll feel       I'll ask
                                                                                    you tidy take      you want to     can go
                                                                                    you bring we'll have to wait

                                                                                   1 'We  ÿ  can no _ and get a drink at the
                                                                                      next station if1                  .'
                                                                                      'I don't know ...There isn't much time, and if we
                                                                                      miss the next train,  2 _              for an hour
                                                                                      and get the 4.07 and then we'll be late.'
                                                                                      'I suppose so, but if you're very thirsty
                                                                                      3 _ something to drink.'
             We use first conditional sentences for real
                                                                                      'If  4 _             a bit extra you can have it
             situations, when we describe the probable result or
             consequence of a possible future event.
                                                                                      'No, thanks. It's fine as it is.'
             Ifheputs those leaves on the fire, they willmokealot
                                                                                      'Come and get some more suncream if
             ofsmoke.                                                                 5_
             V*   I S/l twi                                                                             intothe sea again,0K7'
             The verb inthe if clause of first conditional                            'Why?'
             sentences is in the present simple. In the result                        'Because if 6 _                in the water
                                                                                      you might get burnt.And ifyou get burnt
             clause we use will/won't + the infinitive form.                          7_
             Ifyouleavenow,you won't meet Theo.                                         8_
                                                                                                        really horrible later.'
             Thosepots willbreak ifyoustandon them!                                   'If                  your bedroom now we can
                                                                                      all watch a film together later.'
             We can also use (not) going to, must/mustn't,
             should/shouldn't, can/can't, might/might not or the                      This rice tastes funny, and it's a bit cold.
                                                                                      'Well, ifyou're not happy with it
             imperative inthe result clause.                                          9_
             IfJennyphones, canyou take a message?                                                      the waiter to take it back.'
                                                                                      'But will Iget another one?'
             You shouldn't go into the sea ifyou can'tswim.
                                                                                      'Of course! Unless  10 _               order
             Sithereifyou want.
                                                                                      something different.'
             We often use the first conditional in negotiations,                   6 'If  n                 them back late, you'll have
             offers, warnings and when giving advice.                                 to pay a fine.'
             Tilhelpyou with that, ifyou like.' 'Yes,please.'                         'OK.'
             'IfI lendyoumybike, can Iborrowyour                                      '12                 this leaflet, if you want. It's got
             skateboard?' 'OK, butifyou borrow mybikeyou must                         all the details.'
             becareful with it.'
             'Ifyou don't wear a hatyou mightcatchacold.' 'OK.'              *1    Work in pairs. Practise the conversations.

             Unless + a positive verb means the same as if + a
             negative verb.
             I won't phoneyou unless there's a problem.
             (= Iwon't phoneyou ifthere isn't a problem.)
             Don't eat berriesunlessyouknow what they are.
             (= Don't eat berriesifyou don't know what they are.)

                                                                                                                              Unit 18 109
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