Page 113 - PDF_Oxford Grammar for Schools 5_Neat 1
P. 113

*  2 Write the words inthe correct order to complete               Í5             Work in small groups.Take turns to read
                the responses.                                                               out a problem.The others give advice
                ÿ  really,really /Yd/ scared /be                                             with IfI wereyou, I'd...Who gives the
                   I'd be realty, reaLly scared                                              best advice?
                                                                                   Iget a lot of headaches.
                1 that/ I'd /never /do
                   No, _                                                           Ifind it hard to get out of bed in the morning.
                                                                                   I'mworried about my exams.
                2 angry /be /think /really /I'd
                   I _                                                             Idon't have many friends.
                                                                                   My feet are always cold.
                3 I'd/get /you, /the jacket /were/ 1
                   If                                                              Iget a lot of backache.
                                                                                   Ican't run very far or very fast.
                4 the prawns /choose / probably
                   I'd _
                                                                                     i get a lot of  headaches.
                5 never / never / we'd / got dark,/ see / the stars / it /
                   If  _                                                !
                                                                                                   if i were you I'd tafee som.e ¡medicine.

             3 O 19.1 Matchthe responses 1-5from exercise 2                                if  Iwere you., I'd have  kvty eyes tested.
                to sentences a-e.Then listenand check.
                ÿ  Howwould you feel if you were inthe sea and                       1 1 hin\z the second piece of  advice is best.
                   you suddenly realized there was a shark in the
                   water?   ÿ

                a Ilike the jacket best, but theT-shirt would                 % 6 Complete the sentences with the correct form of          O
                   probably be more useful.    _                                   the verb in brackets.
                b Howwould life be different if it was daylight                    ÿ  If she had             (have) more time she'd
                   24 hours a day?                                                    learn a language.
                c If you could eat something from there, what                      1 If they _ _               (live) nearer we might see
                   would it be?  _                                                    them more often.
                d H8WWouiaysufeel ifa strañger look         Vou'r                  2 He  _ (not/say)thosethings he
                   photo inthe street?   _                                            knew the truth.
                e If you found a lot of money in a shop, would                     3 If I _                (not /live) with my family,
                   you keep it?  _                                                    I'd have to cook my own meals.
                                                                                   4 Where    _                (you / go) ifyou could fly?
           * 4 Work inpairs.Act out the conversations.                             5 Ithink I _                 (enjoy) these songs more
                Change some of the answers.                                           if Iunderstood the words.

                                                                                             Talk about the questions in pairs.Then
                   f-tow would you feelif you were in                                        compare your ideas in a group of four.
                  the sea and   you suddenly realized
                  there was a shark inthe water?                                   Inwhat situation would you ...?
                                                                                   ... climb through a window?
                                                 I'd feel terrified!               ...hide under a table?

                                                                                   ... shout in the street?
                       Metoo! I'd be so frightened'                                ...paint your face yellow?
                                                                                   ... wear all your oldest clothes?
                                                                                   ... walk backwards?
                                                                                   ... get up at four o'clock inthe morning?

                                                                              Iia,what situation would you clim.b through a window?

                                                                             I'd do that  if  i Lost m,y house feey and i needed to get in\

                                                                                                                              Unit 19 113
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