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P. 117
Beglad, wish, ifonly, wouldrather
I can express different attitudes about present and past situations.
Wish and ifonly with past tenses; beglad/pleased (that)
When we are happy about a present or past
situation, we can use I'm glad/pleased (that) +
any tense.
Situation:We've finished.
© I'mgladwe've finished.
Situation: He didn't forget.
© I'mpleasedhedidn'tforget.
Positive clauses stay positive and negative
clauses stay negative.There is no shift in tense.
When we are unhappy about the present
situation, we use Iwish or if only + past simple f~ÿ) if oi/vly we didn't have to walte to school!
or continuous to say how we would like things Cü i wish you wouldn't say that! you say that
to be. every day\
Situation:We're late. CD "But i wish we could go by bus.
® I wish we weren't late.
Situation:The sun isn't shining. Q well, I'm, giad we waitz. it's good to get som-g
© Ifonly the sun was shining! fresh air liÿthe nu>r Conÿe o la,! shall I
slfvg a slÿv0 to cheer you up?
Inthese structures we can usewere instead of
was for all subjects. O I'dftiémyauAíútiV.
I wishJack was/were older.
When we are unhappy about, or regret,a past Because we use Iwish and if only to express our
situation, we use Iwish/if only + past perfect to feelings,we often use other emphatic words like so
say how we would like the past to be different. and such.
Situation:You told methe answer. Fact:I'mvery tired.
© I wish youhadn't toldme theanswer. Declaration:I wish I wasn't so tired!
Situation: Ibroke the computer. If only is often more personal and emphatic than wish.
© IfonlyI hadn't broken the computer. Alison wishes it was warmer but I wish itwas colder!
'Ifonly Ihadthe key!'saidJenny.
Iwish my brother's/ was here. O O
n Circlethe correct options. »2 ©O 20.1 Listen and underlinethe stressed words.
ÿ 1 Iwish I wasn't so hungry.
1 If only we have /had a bag. 2 If only Ihad my phone.
2 Iwish it isn't /wasn't so cold. 3 I'mglad you don't remember.
3 I'mglad you're / were feeling better now. 4 Iwish I was rich.
4 Iwish Ican /could play the piano. 5 I'mglad I'll see you later.
5 If only we know /knew the answer!
6 I'mglad it's /was Fridaytoday. 3 ©O20.1 Listen again,then circle the correct O
answers. Listen again and repeat.
1 We stress / don't stress wish,only, nouns,verbs,
adjectives and adverbs.
2 We stress / don't stress positive auxiliary verbs.
3 We stress / don't stress negative auxiliary verbs.
4 We stress / don't stress if, pronouns and so.
Unit 20 117