Page 115 - PDF_Oxford Grammar for Schools 5_Neat 1
P. 115

Third conditional                                                  *12 O 19.2 Listen and tick      ÿ  what actually happened.

             We usually usethird conditional sentences when                           if you'd followed  tlie instructions,                O
             we talk about past events or actions that had                            it wouldn't have broken.
             significantly positive or significantly negative results.                     ~v\/    v
             IfIhadn't broken my legI wouldn't havemetSam.                            c__
                                                                                   ÿ  a   J  You followed the instructions.
             Everything wouldhavebeenOKifTanya hadn't
             forgotten to bring herpassport.                                          b  0   You didn't follow the instructions.

             Inthird conditional sentences we change the facts                        d  0  It broke.
                                                                                            It didn't break.
             of the past event and then imagine the result or
             consequence of the changed facts.                                     1 a       We helped him.
             Facts:Ihadwet hands. I was tired.                                        b      We didn't help him.
             Consequence: Idroppedtheplate.Itbroke.                                   c _ He asked for help.
             Imagined different facts:IfI hadn't been tired andifI                         !
             hadn'thadwet hands ...                                                   d   j He didn't ask for help.
             Imagined different consequences:...I wouldn't have                    2 a   J   Iwoke up early.
             droppedthe plateanditwouldn't have broken.
                                                                                      b      Ididn't wake up early.
             We use the past perfect in the if clause and would/                      c [ ] You phoned me.
             wouldn't + have + past participle inthe result clause.                   d    ] You didn't phone me.
             We'd havegot wet ifithadrained.
                                                                                   3 a     ] Iwas hungry.
             Ifhehadn'tshown me the photo,I wouldn't have
             believedit!                                                              b  n   Iwasn't hungry.
                                                                                      c   ÿ I ate it.
             Inthese sentences we can use 'd as the short form of
                                                                                      d ÿ Ididn't eat it.
             both would and had.
             Wouldyouhave done that ifyou'dbeen inhisposition?                     4 a   ~ | Imissed the bus.
             ('d had)
                                                                                      b ÿ I didn't mtethebus.
             We'd have been lateifwe hadn't taken a taxi.
                                                                                      c ÿ Iwas late.
             ('d = would)
                                                                                      d ÿ Iwasn't late.
                                                                o                  5 a   'J  Jack came in.

            11 Circlethe correct answers.                                             b      Jack didn't come in.

                ÿ lf(rd known / 1 knew the answer I'd have got full                   c [_ The door was open.
                   marks.                                                             d      The door wasn't open.
                1 Iwould have texted you if Iwould have/ I'd had
                                                                                   6 a       Vicky asked the teacher for help.
                   had my phone.
                2 If Anna got up / had got up earlier she would                       b   J  Vicky didn't ask the teacher for help.
                   have caught the bus.                                               c [    The teacher helped Vicky.
                3 I don't know what would have happened if you                        d      The teacher didn't helpVicky.
                   hadn't / wouldn't have got home.
                4 Would you have remembered the ticket if they               *13 ©O 19.2 Listen again and answer the question
                   hadn't asked / didn't ask to check it?                          about pronunciation.Then listen and repeat.             ÿ1ÿ
                5 Iwouldn't have known ifthey hadn't have/                         Howdo we pronounce would haveand wouldn't have?
                   hadn't told me.                                                 a /wodov/
                6 If Idid/I had done more revision Iwould have                                     _
                   got a better mark.
                                                                                   b /wod hicv/
                7 If the teacher had checked the register, he would                                    _
                   have realized that she arrived/ she had arrived                    /wodont hiev/
                8 Would you have asked her to help if you knew/
                   had known she was ill?

                                                                                                                              Unit 19 115
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