Page 119 - PDF_Oxford Grammar for Schools 5_Neat 1
P. 119
* 8 Write the sentences. ;:-1T Complete the sentences with the words and
ÿ open /the shops /glad /I'm /are phrases in the box.
I'm glad the shops are open. something else to weap wish 'm glad
1 was /Jason /if/ here/only I'd had a different century Ihad
this century these clothes
2 taken /I/Tim /wish /a photo /had
I'm glad Ichose to wear
3 some sunglasses /wish /I /I /had these clothes this morning.
4 it/only /if/ hadn't /you /dropped Iwish I'd chosen somethlÿ
else to wear this morning.
5 enjoyed /glad /yourself / I'm/you
I'mglad _ a big
6 I/ didn't / wish / Beth/ have/ problems/ so many breakfast this morning.
Iwish 2_ something
* 9 Are the sentences in exercise 8 about a present different for breakfast.
or past situation? Circle the correct option.
ÿ present /past 4 present /past
Iwas born here.
1 present /past 5 present /past
2 present /past 6 present /past
3 present /past I'd been
born in a different place.
*10 O 20.3 Listen to Billy, Louise and Iris talking
about problems.Write B (Billy), L (Louise) I'm glad Iwas born in
and I (Iris) next to the sentences.
Iwish I'ddriedmy _i_ Iwish I'dbeefltofiifi'.
ÿ hand§-.
1 Iwish I'd been there and seen it myself.
2 If only I'd done more work! _
3 I'mglad Suzy told me where she got it. _ £1 Write extra information for the four sentences
4 I'mglad someone filmed it. with wish in exercise 12. Itdoesn't matter if the
5 Iwish I'dgone to bed earlier the night sentences are true or false for you.
before. _
6 If only Ihadn't broken my arm!
Iwish I'd chosensomethli/vg else to wear
*1 Complete the sentences with the verbs O this morí-u.n¿) because this shirt Isÿv't very
these trousers are too hot.
in the box.
be not/drop not/break go
not/pick up prepare have ;;:14 Is it true? Work in groups. Read your
sentences to your group. Can the others
ÿ He wishes he 'd beeÿv more careful.
_ guess which sentences are true for you?
1 He wishes he _the dish with
wet hands. ( wish I'd chosensomethli/vg else to wear
2 He wishes he _ the dish. this wwrvJivÿQ because this shirt IsiVtvery
3 She wishes she _ better for the comfortable a\ÿd these trousers are too hot.
exam. _
4 She wishes she a good night's
ithluvfe that's i/vot true.
sleep the night before.
5 She wishes she _ her arm.
6 She wishes she _ to the wedding. you're right. It's wttrue. I'm.
0l ad I chose these clothes today.
Unit 20 119