Page 123 - PDF_Oxford Grammar for Schools 5_Neat 1
P. 123
2 Read the text and questions below. For each question,tick A, B, C or D.
Anna Rose thanjust thingsthat you wear tokeep warm.I'm I'dneverthought oftaking photos ofallthe
Forme,clotheshavealways beenmuchmore
costumes I'ddesigned.
TV Drama Costume Designer fascinated bytheirdesign,their colour and the
materialsthey'remadefrom. Ispent two moreyears getting experienceand
buildinga portfolio,andeventually Igot a place
I remembermakingclothesfor mydollswhen I atcollege. Sincethen, mycareer hasflourished.
wasabout sevenyearsold,and Ididn't like books Ifsomeoneoffers me work, Ialways say'yes'.
unless they had pictures of interestingclothes These days, I mostlywork on historicalTV
inthem. dramas.
At school I becameinterested intheatre. I Beforeanything else, I haveto readthe script so
thought for a whilethat Iwantedto be an actor, that Iunderstandexactlywhat the play isabout.
but Isoon discoveredthat Ididn't havea natural Then I start designing and sewing theoutfits.
actingability. Ifthe budgetissmall then I buyold clothes, cut
them up,and make them into newclothes.
I still wanted towork inthetheatre,though,
so Ibecameinvolvedin set design and stage Mywork doesn't finishwhen thefilming begins.
make-up.Thenone day, oneofthewardrobe Actors work hard,and if a programme isfilmed
assistants was illand Ihad to helpdress the outdoors their costumes will often get dirty or
actors.Iknewthen that I'dfound something damaged, so some of myjob involves cleaning
I loveddoing,andfor the nexttwoyears Ispent and repairingclothes.
a lot of my sparetimefindingor designing and At othertimes, I haveto dotheopposite.
makingthe right clothesfor school plays.
Sometimes I havetomake clothesandthen
When Iwas sixteen, Iapplied fora collegecourse damage them to makethem lookold.Clothes
intheatre design,but Iwasn't offereda place. for a drama set 300yearsagowould look strange
They said it was because Ididn't havea portfolio. ifthey were tooshinyand new.
A I I .r I» I*
What is the writer's main purpose inwriting this text? What does Anna say about her portfolio?
A ] to explain what job she'd rather do A | Ifshe'd thought about it,she would have
B J to describe her career path started taking photos of her work much
C to explain why her job is difficult earlier.
D to talk about the history of costume design B If you saw her portfolio today, you would
What would a reader learn about Anna from the text? be very surprised.
A ] She often wishes she was an actor. C Ifshe'd taken photos of her early work, the
B She wouldn't have become a costume designer photos wouldn't have been very good.
if she hadn't failed her exams. D If she hadn't lost all her photos,she would
C She's creative and she works hard. have had a very good portfolio.
D She wishes she hadn't gone to college. What does Anna say about costumes for
What does Anna say about herself as a child? historicalTV dramas?
A She was very interested in the theatre. A She wishes the actors would be more
B She liked looking at pictures of clothes. careful with the clothes.
C She would have made clothes for her dolls if B She feels happy if she makes costumes that
she'd known how to do it. look perfect.
D ] She wishes she'd had moreclothes. C She sometimes has to damage costumes if
they look too new.
What might Anna say about her acting ability?
Ad' I'mglad I realized at a young age that I'd never D Ifactors worked harder,they would keep
their clothes cleaner.
be a good actor.'
B 'If I'd had a good teacher, I'd have become a
very good actor.'
C 'If Iearn a lot of money as a costume designer,
I'll be able to go to drama school.'
D ] 'If only my family had encouraged me to
become an actor!'
Exam preparation Units 18-20 123