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P. 122
Units 18-20 Exam preparation
These people want to learn a new skill. Readabout eight courses and decide which course would be
best for each person.
Pete's been paintingfor many years. Isabel has some money to spend
He'd like to do an art course but he on a course, but doesn't want to
would only be happy if it was a serious do a course unless it has a practical
course with other people who were application and leads to a
the same level as him. qualification.
Mandy would like to learn how to Libby would like to learn to sing
relax.She lives outside the city and but she's not very confident. She
she'd rather not travel far to get to a won't do a course unless it's only
lesson. for women.
Brian is a 70-year-old man who had Toby would like to learn to paint at
some heart problems a few years ago the weekend. However,he sometimes
butwho is now in quite good health. has to work at the weekends and he
He wishes he'd learnt how doesn't want to pay for the lessons if
to surf when he was younger. he doesn't attend them.
A Car Maintenance Yoga Tuition
If your car got a flat tyre in the middle of Are you stressed and anxious? If you do yoga
nowhere,would you know how to change it? regularly it can help you relax.Iteach yoga classes
Learn how to keep your car running smoothly. for all abilities onTuesday and Thursday evenings.
Successful completion of this course leads to If you would like one-to-one tuition Ican visit you
B-VOC qualification. in your own home.
Saturday mornings,starting 17th September.
Call Mike (0861 8442 0769)
Extreme Surfing
B Singing for Fun
Surf coaching to push you to your limit!Don't
I'd liketo start a singing group. I'm looking for consider this unless you are already an advanced
men and women of all ages. Ifyou'd like to sing surfer ingood health.
but you're not confident about your voice, Ican
PhoneTom on 0937-881-6424
help you with one-to-one singing lessons.
Call Frank on 0762-861-9550 Saturday Art Courses
Irun ten-week Saturday Art Courses all through the
C Improve your Singing
year. My courses are suitable for experienced artists
We are the only all-female choir in the city and
who'd like to paint and draw on a regular basis.
we welcome women of all ages.We start every
session with singing lessons for individuals and Cost: £70 (or £120 if you pay for two courses)
small groups.We meet every Wednesday Email: carlaartclasses(a>
evening in the Riverside Rooms at 7pm.
H Seaside Sports for All
D Masterton Painting Group
Body-boarding, surfing,water-skiing, beach
We are a drop-in club that runs painting lessons volleyball - we give lessons inall sorts of seaside
on Saturday afternoons (2-4 p.m.). Cost: £5.00 sports. It doesn't matter ifyou're five or sixty-five!
per session.You pay only for the sessions that you Everyone's welcome. We make sure our lessons
attend. (There is an extra cost for art materials.) suit your age and level of fitness.
Venue: Masterton Hall, New Road Weblink: www.SSFA/896sbt/ul
122 Revision 6 Exam preparation