Page 120 - PDF_Oxford Grammar for Schools 5_Neat 1
P. 120

Wish     +  would; wouldrather               + past simple

             When we're unhappy about other people's actions we can use wish + would + the infinitive to explain
             what we would like to change inthe future.

              subject          wish             object           would(n')t       base verb

              1                wish             he               would            come             home.

              1                wish             you              wouldn't         do               that.

             With this structure we give a strong, emotional declaration of our feelings.
             Fact:She always shouts.                             Declaration:I wish she'dspeak morequietly.
             Fact:You always leaveyour socks on the floor.       Declaration:I wish you wouldn't leaveyour socks on the floor.

             We can also use this structure to talk about objects and the weather.
             I wish it would stop raining!

             When we're unhappy about another person's behaviour,we can use would rather + past simple
             to explain what we want the other person to do or not do.

              subject          'd rather you        past simple

              1                                     didn't do            that.
                               'd rather you
              We                                    left                 now.

             This structure issofter and more polite than wish + would.
             I'dratheryoudidn'tphonemeearly inthe morning. (= soft, polite)
             I wishyou wouldn't phonemeso early inthe morning!(= stronger, more emotional, less polite)

             We also use this structure when we say 'no'to     polite requests.
             'Can I go now,please?' 'I'dratheryou stayedanother ten minutes.'

          *15 Circlethe correct option.                                            6 'What are we going to do ifthe bus is late?Will

                ÿ  'I wish Mandy wouldn't / I'd rather Mandy                          Sidney be angry?'
                   didn't bang the door like that. It drives me crazy!'               'I wish you'd stop / I'd rather you stopped
                   'I know!It'sthe same every night!'                                 worrying about everything! It makes me
                1 'Excuse me. Iwish you wouldn't put / I'd rather
                   you didn't put your feet on my bag.'
                                                                             *16 Work in pairs. Practise the conversations in
                   'Oh, I'm so sorry! Ididn't realize what Iwas doing!'
                                                                                   exercise 15.
                2 'Can I go out this evening, please?'
                   'No, Iwish you would stay / I'd rather you stayed         *1    Complete the sentences with the correct form of
                   at home this evening. But you can go out at the                                                                         O
                                                                                   the verbs in brackets.
                                                                                   ÿ  Iwish Pat would Melp       me sometimes! (help)
                3 This place isn't as good as it used to be.'
                                                                                   ÿ  I'd rather you  finished      your meal now,
                   'You always say that! Iwish you wouldn't./
                   I'd rather you didn't. It's so negative.'                          please, (finish)
                4 'Iwish Jim would remember / I'd rather Jim                       1 Iwish you   _ things like that!
                   remembered my birthday.He always forgets!'                         (not/say)
                   'Do you want me to remind him his year?'                        2 I'd rather you  _                now,please, (leave)
                   'No, it's ok:                                                   3 I'd rather you  _                it on the table.
                5 'Do you mind if I open the window?'                                 (not/put)  _
                   'Iwish you wouldn't / I'drather you didn't,                     4 Iwish you                     with your mouth
                   actually. I'ma bit cold.'                                          open, (not/eat)
                                                                                   5 I'd rather you  _ straight home
                                                                                      after school, (come)
                                                                                   6 Iwish it  _                !(rain)
          1 20 Be glad,wish, ifonly, would rather
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