Page 124 - PDF_Oxford Grammar for Schools 5_Neat 1
P. 124

3 Read the text below and choose the correct word               Writing
                for each space. Write A, B, C or D.
                                                                                4 Readthe text.Completethe text using the words

                   Sleep and learning                                              incapitals. Makechanges to the words if necessary.

                                                                                   Dear Charlie
                   In the past, some people believed in 'Sleep
                   Learning'. They thought people could learn                      Thanks for ÿour phone message. I would          WILL
                   new information _&_they playedrecordings                        have phoned ÿou bock lost night if
                                                                                   I           got Kome so lote.                   haven't
                   while they were asleep. However, scientists in                              2_
                   the 1950s proved that it wasn't possible.      1 _              Im glad ÿou           come on "Thursday. \ H    CAN
                   you are completely awake, you can't process                     meet ÿou at the station unless I 3 _            NEED
                   new information.                                                to stoÿ late at college. Ill phone ÿou if
                        If 'Sleep Learning' was possible, pupils                   that           , of course.                     HAPPEN
                    —                                                              Do ÿou really hove to leave again on
                   2     to spend much less time at school. But
                   the reality is, we only learn well if our minds                 "Tuesday? Iwish ÿou  5 _      staÿ longer!      CAN

                   3 _   fresh. And our minds aren't refreshed                     Katie keeps watching the weather
                   unless we   4 _  a good night's sleep.                          forecast and saving, \Mvat will we do if
                        When we     5 _  ,we remember tasks that                             _
                                                                                   it  6_       at the weekend? \ wish she         RAIN
                   we have learntduringthe day. We also develop                    7         stop worrying I                       WILL
                   new understandingabout things.
                                                                                   '¡ou  suggested going to a restaurant on
                        When Vicky was at college, she often got
                                                                                   Sunday. \ think \ d rather we  8 -     on       GO
                   just five and a half hours sleep a night. She                   [Tiendaÿ, if that s OK. It ll be really busÿ
                   studied late in the evenings, saying to herself,                On Sunday.
                   'If I'm sleepy tomorrow, I     6_    an extra cup
                   of coffee.' Unsurprisingly, she didn't get good                 See ÿou on Thursday,
                   gradesinherexams.                                                 ike

                        IfVicky   7_   just two more hours a sleep
                   a night, she  8_    much better at school. Sleep
                   experts believe that unless you      9 _   for seven            Complete the second sentence so that it
                   and a half hours or more at night, you can't                    means the same as the first. Use no more than
                   perform well the next day.                                      three words.
                        Vicky says, 'If  10 -   I'd known about the                ÿ  I want you to stop eating so many sweets.
                   relationship between sleep and learning when I                     Iwish  you'd sto-p _ eating so
                   was at college. With better exam results, my life                  many sweets.
                   would be very different now.'                                   1 People who take regular exercise feel better.
                                                                                      If people  _                          they feel
                ÿ  A  as   B if   C unless    D because                            2 Iwon't go runningif you don't come with me.
                1 A   If  B When      C Unless     D Without                          Iwon't go running   _
                2 A   will need    B would need      C need                           with me.
                   D  needed                                                       3 He got ill because he didn't listen to the doctor.
                3 A   were    B would be      C will be   D are                       If _                          to the doctor he
                4 A   don't get   B didn't get     C get    D got                     wouldn't have got ill.
                5 A   sleep   B will sleep    C slept                              4 Please could you not use my tennis racket?
                   D  would sleep                                                     I'd rather  _                         my tennis
                6 A   'II drink  B 'd drink   C drink    D drank                      racket.
                7 A   had had     B had    C would have had                        5 We didn't win the match and I'm sad about that.
                   D  would have                                                      I _                          won the match.
                8 A   would have done       B did    C had done                    6 Ieat unhealthy food because you cook
                   D  did                                                             unhealthy food.
                9 A   had slept    B slept    C will sleep   D sleep                  I _                          unhealthy food ifyou
               10 A   I've  B Iwish     C unless    D only                            didn't cook it.

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