Page 129 - PDF_Oxford Grammar for Schools 5_Neat 1
P. 129
Comparative and superlative adverbs
We use comparative and superlative adverbs when The comparative and superlative forms of well,
we compare and contrast the way things happen. badly and far are the same as the comparative and
Jackspoke moreloudly than Amy but Clairespoke the superlative adjective forms of good, badand far.
mostclearly. well-» better-» the best
badly -» worse -> the worst
We also use comparative adverbs when we ask or
far further the furthest
advise people or to change their behaviour.
You can see further with the SkySearcher telescope.
You makea lotofmistakes. You shoulddo it
morecarefully. Who can sing the best?
In informal speech we can add add -er and -est to
We usually form comparative adverbs with more
short (one-syllable) adverbs to make comparative
and superlative adverbs with most.
Couldyou walk moreslowly, please? and superlative forms.These forms should not be
used inwriting.
Ofall the students in the class, Martinspeaks German
the most fluently. Who can get there the quickest? (= the mostquickly)?
You shouldspeak louder. (=moreloudly)
Some adverbs like early, late,fast, hard,highand low
have the same form as their adjectives.We add -er and We can also use (not) as ...+adverb + as to make
-est to make the comparative and superlative forms of
Katiedoesn't walk as quickly as me.
these adverbs.
I can'tplay thepianoas well as Ernie.
Canyou come earlier tomorrow?
Who workedthe hardest? See the form table on page 191.
1-6with the pictures a-f. *1E Complete the sentences with the correct form of
the adverbs in brackets.
ÿ You need to explain it nwe clearly .(clearly)
1 Do it next time, (carefullv)
2 Can we walk ,please? (quicklv)
3 Rosy works (hard) than Dora.
4 Hp's playing so much than he did
yesterday, (badly)
5 You must try to write ,please.
6 Go !(fast)
7 Who in your family speaks English
? (well)
8 You can probably do this than
9 You need to do than that! (well)
10 Iusually get up at the weekend
/ 5 *
than during the week, (late)
11 Ican't run as as you. (quickly)
/ 'i / *
12 Who can throw the ball ? (far)
Unit 21 129