Page 134 - PDF_Oxford Grammar for Schools 5_Neat 1
P. 134

Adverbs of degree (very,really, rather,quite)

                                                                             We use adverbs of degree with adjectives and other
                 lhat was c\y.\Xt scary                                      adverbs.

                                 No, it wasn't, it was  really scary !         We use adverbs like very and really to makethe
                                                                               meaning stronger.
                                                                               It's very cold. Ithinkit'sgoing to snow.
                                                                               I'mreallyhappy.I'vejust passedmy exam.

                                                                               We use quite and rather to makethe meaning
                                                                               weaker.When there's a positive meaning we
                                                                               normally use quite.
                                                                               She's quite funny. Ilikeher.
                                                                               This train is quite fast. I think we'll arrive on time.

                                                                               When there's a negative meaning we normally use
                                                                               rather,but quite is also possible.
                                                                               Hedrives rather fast. (=Hedrives quite fast.) It's notsafe.

          *11 Look at the pictures and complete the sentences                SI3             Work in pairs. Ask questions with the
                with very or quite.                                                         words inthe box.Answer using very,
                                                                                             really or quite.

                                                                                     brother   sister school bag      English maths
                                                                                     parents school      town
                                                                                     big   clever   difficult  easy   long    new    nice
                                                                                     old   small tall

                                                                                     is  your school  bt0?      yes. it's  exulte  big.

                                                                             *14 Choosethe correct answer to complete each
                                                                                   sentence.                                          O
                   Tony's tent is in a x/ern  bad condition.
                                                                                   ÿ  'Did you enjoy your swim?"No. Ionly swam for
                   Heidi's tent is       .small.
                                                                                      ten minutes becausethe water was too / rather /
                   Tony's tent is         old.                                        very cold.'
                   Bill's tent is       big.
                   Heidi's tent is         expensive.                              1 The exam was so / quite / very easy. Ithink I'll
                   Tony's tent is  __ cheap.                                          probably pass.
                                                                                   z That car is a bit / rather / not old. Idon't think
                   Bill's tent is       old.
                                                                                      he's going to buy it.
                   Heidi's tent is         new.
                                                                                   3 It'stoo / rather / so noisy, I'm afraid.Tim is
                   Bill's tent is in a       good condition.
                                                                                      practising the drums.
                                                                                   4 No Ican't buy that one. It's quite / too / enough
          £12 O 22.3 Listen and complete the checklist with
                ÿ ÿ for very, ÿ for quite, or x for not very.                         expensive.
                                                                                   5 That book is not / too / quite interesting. I think
                                  Campsite 1          Campsite 2                      you should read it.
                                                                                   6 'I likedthat song."Did you? Oh, Ithought it was
                 nice?            /
                                                                                      very / so / rather boring.'
                 big?                                                              7 My brother's really /quite/ rather happy at the

                                                                                      moment. He'sjust got a new dog!
                 good shop?
                                                                                   8 This train is very /quite /rather fast."Yes.They
                 cheap?                                                               call it a bullet train!'


          134 Adjectives and adverbs of degree
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