Page 138 - PDF_Oxford Grammar for Schools 5_Neat 1
P. 138

Adverbs of manner,time and place


                                                                             We use adverbs of time to say when something
                                                                             happens: now, then, early,late,today, tomorrow,
                                                                             yesterday, recently.
                                                                             We can also use adverbial time expressions:last
                                                                              Wednesday,in 2006, twoyears ago, in the spring, at the

                                                                             Adverbs of time and adverbial expressions can go at
                                                                             the beginning or the end of a sentence or clause.
                                                                             What's the matter now?
                                                                             Nowwhat's thematter?
                             what's the matter wi-th
                                                                             Theleaves turn orange andbrowninthe autumn.
                                                                             Inthe autumn, the leaves turn orange andbrown.
                                                                             Butthe adverbs of time early, late and then can only
                                                                             go at the end of a clause.
                                                                              We left the houseearlyandcame homelate.


                                                                             We use adverbs of place to say where something is or
                                                                             where something happens:upstairs, downstairs, here,
                                 i do\A,'t teiÿow. she was slttlyvg          there, everywhere, away,abroad, indoors,outdoors,
                                 here cyuietly  a mlcutte ago.               back, in, out.

                                                                             Adverbs of place usually go at the end of a sentence
                                                                             or clause.
                                                                              'Hello, it's Mandyhere. IsJohn there?' 'No, I'mafraidhe's
                                                                              still at work .Idon't know when he'llbeback.'

             Manner                                                           We can also use adverbial place expressions:inthe
                                                                              garden, athome,inbed, at work.
             We use adverbs of manner after a verb to tell us how            Claire was at college while Katy was on the beach.
             something happens.We usually placethem at the end               When we use morethan one adverb or adverbial
             of a sentence or at the end of a clause.                         expression after a verb they usually follow this
             Erniespeaks slowly.                                             sequence: manner, place, time.
             Suzy washed the vase carefullyandputitaway.
                                                                               verb          manner        place           time
             When we comment on how something happened on
             one occasion, we can place the adverb of manner at                My phone      well          outdoors.
             the start of a sentence, or before the mainverb.We                works
             often do this when we tell stories.                               We asked                    at the police   two days
             Slowly, hepickeduphis bagsandleft the house.                      the man                     station         ago.
             Heslowlypickeduphis bagsandleft the house.
                                                                               1 couldn't
             Most adverbs of manner are formed by adding -ly, -ily             think         clearly                       yesterday.
             or -Ily to an adjective.
                                                                               You must      hard          at school       tomorrow.
             There are a few irregular adverbs of manner:                      work
             good     well hard-» hard fast        fast
                                                                             With verbs of movement (run, walk, move, come, go),
             To talk about how people travel we often useadverbial            the place is often closely linked with the verb. Inthis
             expressions with by.                                            case we put the adverb of place directly after the verb.
             by car,by train, byplane (but on foot)                          She walked away quietly.

          138 Adverbs: frequency, manner,place and time
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