Page 143 - PDF_Oxford Grammar for Schools 5_Neat 1
P. 143

*7             Work in small groups.Take turns to say one of the clauses below.The first person to add an

                          appropriate result clause wins a point.
                She's such a nice/a funny/an interesting person that ...         she-£        a         ?£rsoÿthat...

                He works so hard/slowly/quickly that ...
                He's got so many friends/books/pairs of shoes that ...                       ... i  always, laugh whei* I'm, with her!
                There was so much snow/rain/fog that ...
                It was such a good/bad result that ...                              owpoítáfor y0u\

           r! 8 Read the emails and complete them with the phrases below.
                 so badly    so happy     so beautiful so many       so near the beach that
                 so amazing that      such a fantastic   so   such such       such a

                      Hi Dave                                                       Hi Charlie       _
                                                    _                               We're having4                      holiday here!
                      How are you? It's     ÿ  such             a pity
                                                                                    The island is     5 _               . There are
                      that you couldn't come on holiday with
                                                                                    6 _                interesting birds and
                      us this year.
                                             1_                                     animals to see.
                      We talk about you                        a lot
                                                         much that
                      and we hope2     -                                            Did you hear about Dave? He couldn't
                      your back is better soon.                                     come with us this year. It's
                                                                                    7 _                shame. He was playing
                      Take care,
                                                                                    football and he hurt his back
                      Jamie and Max                                                 8 _                that the doctors said he
                      PS This place is3                     we think                shouldn't travel.
                       we might come back again next year -                         Do you think you could visit him? He'd

                       with you, of course! I've attached a photo                   be  9_                 to see you. Perhaps you
                       to this message!                                             could take him some books or DVDs.

                                                                                    From Max
                                                                                    PS Our campsite is       10 _               we can
                                                                                    hear the waves at night!

           19            Imagine you are Dave. Charlie came to visit you yesterday.Write an email in reply
           *   y         to Jamie and Max. Includethe answer to these questions, using so and such:
                Was it good to hear from Jamie and Max?
                What did you think of the photo of the beach?                      r Self-evaluation Rate your progress.                   j
                Are you very disappointed about missing the holiday?                              &             W U-              C*
                How is your back?
                Howwas Charlie's visit?                                                 2
                Did he bring you anything?                                              3
                                                                           A            5
                      Hi Jamie and Max                                                  7

                      Thanks for your email. It was so good to hear                     8
                      from you. I...                                                    9

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