Page 148 - PDF_Oxford Grammar for Schools 5_Neat 1
P. 148
Prepositions of time, place and movement
I can recognize and use prepositions of time, placeand movement.
Prepositions of time
in +
our birthday at the weekend inthe morning, inthe afternoon,
part of a day
0oI.I/V0 to be sixteen? inthe evening
No, he's 0olÿv0 to be sixteen «ltd rn*.goifvg inthe last week of October
a week or more
to be four. in the autumn term
CÜ what do wow. kKeaÿv?! month in March, in April
year in 1656, in 1973, in 2002
in winter, in spring, in summer,
in winter
decade in the 1960s, inthe nineties
in the 18th century, in the 21st
on +
day of the week on Monday,on Friday
date on 22nd November
Tim andTom were born on different days in a leap on my birthday,
special or
year.Tim was born at 11.55p.m.on February 28th on this day 200 years ago
andTom was born at 12.10a.m. on February 29th. particular day on that day
So Tom only has a birthday every four years!
on Wednesday afternoon
day + part of day on Saturday morning
We use in, on and at with different time words and on New Year's Eve
We use in + a time period to describe how long it takes at +
to do something. at six o'clock, at half past two,
Hefinishedthe test intwenty minutes. clock time at 3.30, at midnight
She readsix books inone week!
meal at breakfast
We can also use in to mean after.
I'llbebackinfive minutes. two or three days at the weekend
Seeyou in two weeks'time.
expression with at bed time, at break time
We don't use in,on or at before the time expressions time at that time
yesterday,tomorrow and this/next/last/+ everyday/
the end of/the at the beginning of the week
beginning of at the end of the day
We meetevery Tuesday.
I'llphoneyou tomorrow.
For information on other prepositions connected with
time, see Unit 3 {by, for and since), Unit 4 {after, before,
until) and Unit 17 {until,during, by).
1 48 Prepositions of time, place and movement