Page 149 - PDF_Oxford Grammar for Schools 5_Neat 1
P. 149
Ialways do my homework at / in the morning.O
1 O 25.1 Listen and complete the missing * 2 Circle the correct answer.
information. ÿ ,/T\
O 2 Emily was born on / in 1999.
1 1 I'll be back on / inten minutes.
Leo 3 We often go camping at /in the summer.
4 Isaw Martinon /at Monday.
phoned (at about ÿ <¿>.3,0 ) 5 They came here in/ at the last week of January.
6 See you on next Friday /next Friday.
fteJII call back in 1 - 7 We start lessons at / in nine o'clock.
8 People lived here on / inthe 12th century.
See you later, 9 He went to bed at /on midnight.
10 It happened in/onThursday evening.
Tim 11 How many words can you write in/ at a minute?
12 Birds fly south at /in winter.
* I Readthe text and circle the correct options.
OJ cat Webfter
- w of tke wit wyortwJtnJrittrJ The Northern Lights
of tke 2 - uvdi\ry.
— Vows, uv Lot\slot\, oi\, 3_ V
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__ Home I Aurora Burealis I Artie Circle I Blog I Links
Dear Bella Can you imagine seeing the sun ÿ in/ at / on
midnight?'In every/ Every /At every summer,
It was good to talk to you this people who live near the North Pole have
5 sunlight for 24 hours. It gets a little darker
I'm looking forward to
2on/at/in night time, but not much.
talking to you again on Friday
6_ about your performances 30n/At/ Inwinter, of course, the opposite is true:
in the sun doesn't rise 4on/at/ in the morning, and
it stays dark all day.
But this is also the best time to see an amazing
natural phenomenon which from time to time
lights up the sky5on/at/in night: the Northern
Cathÿ phoned
Lights, or Aurora Borealis.
60n/At/ InMonday 24th October 2011 people
She d like to come and staw in the
in Canada saw a particularly amazing display of
week of (Tlaÿ. the Northern Lights. According to scientists, the
bright red, pink and green lights were caused by
a sun storm7in / on /at the Saturday before.
She II phone again at the9.
Usually, people only see the Northern Lights
Libbÿ near the Arctic Circle. Incredibly, however.
8in/at/on the 1980s, people as far south as
the US-Mexico border saw them, because of
particularly powerful sun storms.
Unit 25 149