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P. 154
Linking words
I can use conjunctions and prepositions to link ideas.
Preposition or conjunction?
We use linking words such as conjunctions or prepositionsto express
connections of time, cause and effect, and contrast between parts of
htow does a ship stay oi*>
the water, evei-v though it's,
We use conjunctions - for example and, so, but,because - to link one kvtflrfe of ÿvcetal?
clause with another clause, or to link two nouns.
C~~\ The vÿttal avuA air of the
clause conjunction clause slú-p weigh less thavÿthe
water, so the slú-p stays ouv
We went home because (reason) it was raining.
The phone rang while/when (time) we were eating. £3 How do yow. tefvow that?
She missed the bus, so (consequence) she was late for school.
dü"Because 1 atteÿtloÿv
We had a good even though duYÍÿo¡-physics lessors!
the weather was so bad.
time (surprising contrast)
You can stay here until (time) it's the end of the lesson.
We can also use certain prepositions and prepositional phrases
as linking words.These words are always followed by a noun.
clause preposition noun ÿ
We went home because of (reason) the rain.
thanks to (positive
1 passed the exam your help.
The roads were due to (negative
the bad weather. Until can be used as a conjunction
closed reason) or a preposition.Till is an informal
during (time 'in the
The phone rang the meal. form of until.We usually only use it
middle of')
inspoken English.
1 need your answer by (time -'before') Monday. You can keep ittillI go back to school.
despite (contrast - (conjunction)
We'll stay here the bad weather.
contradiction) Westayedtillmidnight.
He's been to every except (contrast - Australia. (preposition)
continent exception)
You can stay here until (time) the end of the lesson.
Circlethe correct options.
We did the crossword while / till we were waiting 5 Because / Even though he's 85 he goes swimming O
for you.We had nothing else to do. every day.
Ineed to go to library so / when I'll see you in 6 The performance was cancelled thanks to / due to
twenty minutes. illness.
Ilike all the colours inthe rainbow because of/ 7 He went to school every day despite / due to
except yellow. Ihateyellow! terrible toothache.
After the accident he made a quick recovery 8 We were late for the concert despite / because of
thanks to / due to the support of all his friends. the traffic.
I'll be here until / during half past ten. 9 Dad works during /while the night.
1 0 We're hoping to finish it until/ by half past four.
154 Linking words