Page 157 - PDF_Oxford Grammar for Schools 5_Neat 1
P. 157
Present and past simple passive
I can usethe passive to talk about processes, systems and past events.
Active or passive?
A lot of Tshirts are printed with
in*.ages by famous artists, you \zww.y
{ what about the o\ÿe that you're wearlvÿ?
Ah, this oÿe was designed by vue\ ÿ
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Most English sentences are active. In active sentences, Other
the focus is on the person or thing which is doing the Subject Verb By + agent
action-.When thesubject isdoingtheaction-,wecallit
the agent. in many
Tea is drunk by people
Subject Other
Verb Object
(agent) information We often use the passive when we don't know the
in many agent, or when it isn't necessary to state the agent.
People drink tea Oranges are grown inSpain.
For this reason, we often usethe passive to describe
The emphasis changes in passive sentences;the processes, systems, and events inthe news.
subject of the sentence is not the agent. We don't The seeds are removedfrom the fruit, then the fruit is
always include the agent. driedin the sun.
The new cinema was openedyesterday.
Subject Verb Other information 1
The passive is more impersonal than the active
Tea is drunk in many countries. because it focuses on the action rather than the
person or people doing the action. For this reason
We can introduce the agent using by.But we use
we often use the passive in more formal speech
the passive because the most important thing inthe
and writing.
sentence is notthe agent.
This chair was madeby ayoung carpenter.
* 1 Are these sentences active (A) or passive (P)? O
ÿ The tower was built in 1703. p 4 The painting was stolen.
ÿ They built the tower in 1703. A 5 Class 4 is taught by Miss Brown.
1 Where do people grow lemons? 6 Miss Brownteaches Class 4.
2 Where are lemons grown? _ 7 Who was it made by?
3 Two men stole the painting. _ 8 Who made it?
Unit 27 157