Page 160 - PDF_Oxford Grammar for Schools 5_Neat 1
P. 160

*12 Work inpairs.Student A go to page 182. Student                 *13 Completethe passive sentences so that they mean            O
                B complete the sentences below.Then check your                     the same as the active sentences. Useby+ agent.
                answers with Student A.                                            ÿ  A fashion designer designs a new line of clothes.

                                                                                      A new line of clothes is designed    buj a  fashion
                       The water ischecked                                         1 Factory workers makethe new line of clothes.
                                                                                      The new
                           every two hours.                                        2 Lorry drivers transport the finished clothes to the
                  v  _                                             s                  shops.                __

                                                                                      The finished clothes
                ÿ  Someone checks          the water every two hours.              3 Shop workers unpack the delivery.
                                                                                   4 Customers buy the clothes.
                  31                                          ÿ                       The __
                       We makeallour                                               5 The customers wear the clothes.
                      biscuits           by     band.                                 The

                                                                             *14 Rewrite the text using the present and past
                                                                                   simple passive.
                1 All our biscuits                   by hand.

                                                                                      People all around the world use umbrellas.
                    A woman was arrested at three                                     Someone invented the basic umbrella over
                    o'clock in the morning.                                           4-000 years ago.
                                                                                      We see umbrellas in ancient art from Greece,
                               _                                                      Egypt, Assyria and China.
                2 The police                    her at three o'clock
                   this morning.                                                      People designed the first umbrellas for
                                                                                      protect ion from the sun.

                                                                                      People didn't use umbrellas in Europe until the
                    Tot=il :                     t'úib.db                             18th century.

                                                                                      Passengers leave about 80,000 umbrellas on the
                   Julia served          you today.                                   London Underground every year.

                              Thank     you!

                3 You                    by Julia today. We hope you                  w.m,brellns are used by -peo-pie all around the
                   enjoyed your meal!                                                 world. The basic umbrella ...

                         f\W     out               f                         *15    r       Write about the everyday objects below
                                                                                             using the present and past simple
                        caught             locoS                                            passive. Answer the questions.

                                                                                   Who wears them? What are they made of?
                4 They                    all the fish locally.                    What designs are printed on them?
                                                                                   Find out:When were they first worn?
                 0                                                0                Tea bags
                                      men            íí                            Where are they produced?Who uses them?

                                                                                   How do people use them?
                       bwáéirmm 199                                                Find out:What's the history of tea bags?

                 0                                                0                Toothbrushes

                5 This building                    in 1996.                        Who uses them? What are they made of?
                                                                                   How do electric toothbrushes work?
                                                                                   Find out:When were they first invented?

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