Page 165 - PDF_Oxford Grammar for Schools 5_Neat 1
P. 165

*12 O 28.3 Listen to three people playing a game.                                  Do you agree or disagree with these
                Which object is the girl thinking of?                                        statements? Circle A (Iagree) or
                                                                                             D (I disagree), then talk in groups.
                                                                                    r                                                     1
                                                                                          Rre you an optimist or a pessimist?

                                                                                      I'll probably get struck by lightning
                                                                                      one day.

                                                                                      I'll definitely be offered a place at
                                                                                      college or university.

                                                                                      I'll probably never get stung by a

                                                                                      1 might get stung by a bee.                    R/D

                                                                                      1 might be asked to appear in a film
                                                                                      in the next five years.

                                                                                      I'll probably be elected as a politician
                                                                                      one day.

                                                                                      I'll definitely be chosen to represent my
                                                                                      country as a sportsperson before I'm 25.

                                                                                     itlúnte I'll probably get
                                                                                     stmcfó by LÍQhtvúwg

                                                                                                             will ever happen to m,e.

                                                                                        Self-evaluation Rate your progress.
                                                                                                                              u ÿ u

           i;13           What is it? Playthe game in small groups.
                          Usethe verbs below.Can the others
                          guess the object?

                  burn    break   paint clean      mend     catch
                  eat   use as a (+ noun)    move recycle       put
                  used {to  +  infinitive) throw   tie   wash    give
                  climb   paint kick make into sth         cook    wear

                  it definitely won't be sat on.

                                 is It number 11, the broken chair?


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