Page 164 - PDF_Oxford Grammar for Schools 5_Neat 1
P. 164
Passive with might
We form the future passive with might be instead
of will be when we are not so certain about a future
action or event.
You might beaskeda few questions at thepolice
You might notbegivena certificate, I'mafraid.
In informal speech we often use get instead of be in ÿ Someone might put it in the bin.
passive sentences. It mXflkt #et put inthe bin .
The bikegot damagedin the accident. 4 Someone might burn it.
You might get invitedto theparty. It
5 Someone might recycle it.
We also often use get with mightwhen we talk __
about possible unexpected or unplanned events in
6 Someone might use it to clean the floor.
the future, and particularly to talk about accidents.
Becarefulon the golfcourse. You mightget hit bya
no Complete the warnings. Use might get and
the correct form of a verb from the box.
* 8 O 28.2 Complete the sentences with the words bite burn damage infect splash
below.Then listen,check and repeat. sting strike
O s-plasheri .
get not might met taken used asked ÿ Don't go too near the water. You miÿht c\et
We m.iaht be given some books. _
It might be _ as a bag. 1 Don't go near that snake.You
2 Don't drop it!It
He might be to give a speech.
l (Vteve teeboxesawayitemthefire-.They
You might not be at the airport.
Thpy might gpt tn a restaurant. _
4 Keep away from thatjellyfish.You
ÿhp might nnt offered the job.
5 Don't visit that website. Your computer
It might be announced today.
_ by a virus.
6 Don't go outside in a storm.You _
S Complete the passive sentence so that it means
* by lightning.
the same as the active sentence. Use might be in
1-3and mightget in4-6. m Work in a group.Take turns to talk about
your plans.The others think of good and
J bad things that might happen.Are you
optimists or pessimists?
kU, qoIng to -piay football.
you. vuíqVí1 0et hit by the ball.
you. might be chosen to -play
for the nationalteam-!
ÿ Someone might boilthem.
They might be boiled
1 Someone might fry them.
2 Someone might scramble them.
3 Someone might paint them and use them as
1 64 Future simple passive and might