Page 163 - PDF_Oxford Grammar for Schools 5_Neat 1
P. 163

*  4 Future simple passive or active? Circle the correct                         Read the email from Cathy, then complete
                answer.                                                              /     the formal letter that Cathy's dad received.
                ÿ  All the doors will paint / will be painted blue.  O                      Use the future simple passive and the
                1 Look,those flowers will open / will be opened                             information from the email.
                2 The new roadwill finish / will befinished soon.                   OuO
                3 I'mvery sorry.You won't disturb / be disturbed                     Date: 16 March
                                                                                     Subject: Exciting news!
                4 The medicine will work / will be worked soon.
                5 He will remember / will be rememberedfor
                   hundreds of years into the future.                                  Hi Louise
                6 Don't worry, you'll tell/ 'II betold what to do and
                                                                                       Can you believe this? My dad has won an
                   where to go.                                                        all-inclusive luxury city break for our family
                                                                                       in a competition. But it's a mystery tour!
             5 Add the adverbs in brackets to the correct place                        Someone will tell us the destination when
                inthe sentences.                                                       we get to the airport.
                ÿ  You won't be told the results today, (probably)                     We'll fly to the mystery destination and
                                                                                       someone will meet us at the airport. They'll
                1 They'll be given a prize, (definitely)
                                                                                       show us around the city and then they'll
                2 It'll be kept here for 24 hours, (probably)                          take us to our hotel. Someone will unpack
                3 I'll be invited, (definitely)                                        our bags and then we'll go to the restaurant
                                                                                       where they'll serve us a five-course meal.
                4 It won't be finished today, (probably)
                5 You won't be asked again, (definitely)                               That's all we know at the moment! I'll send
                                                                                       you a postcard!
                6 They won't be needed, (probably)
             6 Complete the passive sentences so that they
                meanthe same as the active sentences.

                ÿ  We won't give your details to anyone else.
                   Your details won't be a  ¿ven  to      anyone else.
                1 We will contact you again in the autumn.                                                                     March
                   You  _                          us again in the
                2 We definitely won't keep this information on
                                                                                          r>ear Mr North
                   our computer.
                   This information  _                           on                       Congratulations! you and       ijour
                   our computer.                                                          family have won a\A. aIX-Inclusive
                3 They probably won't build the new road inthe                            luxury city bréate to a   m,ystery city!
                   next five years.                                                       Com¿ to city Airport     (with  ijour
                   The new road   _                           in the                                  o\ÿ±y-A-prll, and the
                   next five years.                                                       mystery destination will be revealed
                4 Local people will probably use the new sports                           to you!
                   centre.                                                                you willfly to the mystery
                   The new sports centre    _
                                                                                          destination and at that airport you
                   local people.
                                                                                          will be...
                5 They probably won't build the houses with
                   environmentally-friendly materials.
                   The houses   _
                   environmentally-friendly materials.

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