Page 159 - PDF_Oxford Grammar for Schools 5_Neat 1
P. 159

Past simple passive                                                 *  9 Completethe sentences with the verb in brackets

                                                                                   in the past simple active or passive.
             Someoldcoins were foundinafield nearhere.                             ÿ  Everyone was ¿úven         a present,(give)
             Mysister was interviewedon TV.                                        ÿ  Charlie jell_ off his bike, (fall)

             Inthe past simple passive, be is in the past simple.                  1 Linda and Amy     _                to leave by the
             The painting was stolen.                                                 teacher, (ask)
             We weren't invited.                                                   2 That tower   _                 300 years ago.
             'Were thesephotos taken byyour uncle?'                                   (first/build)
             'Yes, they were.'                                                     3 We   _                by the police,(not/stop)
                                                                                   4 I                  anything about it. (not/tell)
             When we use adverbs of time with the passive,we put                          _ _
                                                                                   5 Ted                    20 minutes ago. (arrive)
             them between be and the past participle.
                                                                                   6 The bag   _ _               behind the tree, (hide)
             T-shirts were :rst worn in the 19th century.
                                                                                   7 These tables   _ _ here, (not/make)
             Thisjob was usually done bya man.                                                       __
                                                                                   8 All the letters                  a week ago.
                correct answers.Then listenand check. O                           10 Computers    _ _               200 years ago.
             8 o27.2 Readthe conversation and circle the                           9 It _                yesterday, (not/deliver)

                Sam: What's all that stuff?
                Ted: I gave / was given this old box that
                                                                             no Usethe prompts to write past simple passive
                       'belonged / was belonged to my great¬
                       grandfather. He 2was / was been a
                                                                                   ÿ  When and where/bicycles/first/ride?
                                                                                      When and where were bi&ycles -first ridden ?
                Sam: Wow.What kind of photos 3did he take /
                                                                                   1 In which decade/DVDs/invent?
                       was hetaken?                                                                     _
                                                                                      In which decade                              ?
                Ted: Hewas a journalist, so he "often sent /
                                                                                   2 Where/violins/first/make?
                       was often sent to different countries and                      Where  _                           ?
                          * -                             +
                       he 5took / was taken all kinds of photos.
                                                                                   3 In which century/the first newspaper/print?
                       A lot of his professional photos                                                  _
                                                                                      In which century                              ?
                       6sold / were sold by one of my aunts
                                                                                   4 Where/football/first/play?
                       last year, but this box 7kept / was kept                       Where   _                          ?
                       inthe family because the pictures are                       5 In which century/ice-cream/first/eat?
                       more personal.                                                                    _
                                                                                      In which century                              ?
                Sam: Oh, right.                                                    6 Where/coffee/first/drink?

                Ted: Look at these photos.I'm pretty sure                             Where   _                          ?
                       they 8took / were taken in Japan.
                       He9loved / was loved Japan, and he                                    Work in groups. How many of the
                       10offered/ was offered a goodjob there,                               questions in exercise 10 can you answer?
                       but he didn't take it.Idon't know why.                                Check the answers on page 187.

                                                                                      whei-v a*A where were bicyclesfirst     ridden?

                                                                                                                      i have vÿo ideal

                                                                                          i tlúfvte Itwas It-v the  iÿliÿeteeiÿth
                                                                                          century, but I   dovÿ't  tei/uow where.

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