Page 156 - PDF_Oxford Grammar for Schools 5_Neat 1
P. 156

::;6           ©26.2 Work in teams. Complete the sentences using words from the boxes.                  ©

                          Then listen and check.Which team has the most correct answers?

                          propeller leg Natural World Quiz
              weapon                                                                                         meat    insects plants

              Antarctica    Australia           herbivores    omnivores     carnivores        hunting              winter    spring
              Asia    South America             they're 10 they're 20 they're 50              deforestation        day night
               NorthAmerica      Europe         they're 100 they're 150                       overfishing          summer      winter

                During the Ice Age (20,000 yeors ago), horses lived                Mosr birds migrare during rhe .
                                                                                   Some lizards use rheir rail os a
                on every conrinenr except                     __
                There ore deserts in every conrinenr excepr                        A fish uses irs roil os o  --
                Spiders live in every conrinenr excepr                             Chickens ofren live unril  _
                Some birds hove become exrincr because of                          Rhinos ofren live unril  _
                Some rigers have become exrincr due ro                             Gianr rorroises live unril
                Some sharks may soon become exrincr due ro                                  ear mear and planrs.
                Turtles hibernare during rhe                                       Despire rheir long reerh, hippos don'r ear
                                                                                   Even rhough rhey're plonrs,
                                                                                   Venus Flyrraps are

                Completethe text with six of the linking words in             %8            Write a short text to answer the questions
           *    the box.                                                                    below. Use ideas from exercises 7 and 8        O
                                                                                            and your own ideas. Use linking words
                 and and as         because     during    except
                                                                                            where possible.
                  like due to     while   so    thanks to
                                                                                      Many species of animals face the possibility of
                                                                                       extinction in the future. Why is this?
                    Some species of plants     ÿ    and    animals                   Which animals would you most like to save? Why?

                    have already become extinct       1_
                    human activity,    2_        other species face
                                                                                                      s  face  the -possibility of
                    the possibility of extinction inthe future.                       extíiÿctíoÿ u the   future  because humans ...

                    Extinctioncan happen       3 _       people hunt
                    and killtoo many animals of one species.

                    Inother cases, people damage the animals'
                    habitat, _         the animals losetheir                            Self-evaluation Rateyour progress.
                    homes and food.
                                                                                                                              u u ÿ
                    Organizations 5_           the World Wildlife
                    Fundhelp to preserve animals in danger

                    of extinction.  6 _       their help,many
                    animals have been saved.

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