Page 151 - PDF_Oxford Grammar for Schools 5_Neat 1
P. 151
Prepositions of place
We use the prepositions in, on and at with different Some prepositions describe the position of an object
kinds of place words. or person in relation to another.
in +
containers inthe box, inthe bottle
rooms inthe bedroom, inthe kitchen
buildings as spaces in the greenhouse
towns, countries
inOslo, in Spain, inAsia
and continents
There's a mouse on top of Thepaintingisagainst
car inthe car, in a taxi
thepainting. There's the wall. There's atoolkit
pictures inthe painting, in the photo a spider under the nearit. There's an
painting. umbrellabehindit.
They're ina baginthe kitchen.
on +
surfaces on the path, on the wall
floors of buildings on the first floor
public transport on the train, on the bus
roads and rivers on West Street, on the Nile
Thepaintingis outside
1sawhim onNewRoad. Hewas on the bus.
the house. It'sin front ofa
at +
where things at the station, at the hospital,
at the cinema, at the bus stop
happen r-
addresses at 27 Silver Street Thepaintingisamong
other paintings. It's
events at the concert between two flower
the back/front/ at the top of the hill paintings.It's below
top/bottom Thepaintingis inside apaintingofa man.
the house. It's opposite It's above a pictureofa
We met at the café at the endof the road. a door. house.
o25.2 Work in teams.You have five
* 9 Complete the sentences with in, on or at. *10 minutes to circle the correct answers.O
waited at the bottom of the stairs.
_ _ o Listen and check.Which team hadthe
1 He'sworking South America. O
2 Isit the back of the classroom. most correct answers?
3 Didyou sleep _ the plane? ÿ Carrots grow below / above the ground.
4 What have you got _ your bag? 1 Your index finger is next to / under your thumb.
5 It's a town the River Thames. 2 Pearls grow inside / between oyster shells.
6 There are three cats _ the picture. 3 Your heart is behind / in front of your lungs.
7 Is that oil _ your hands? 4 Dundee is in / near Scotland.
8 I'll see you _ the meeting. 5 The giant clam is a shellfish which lives in the sea
9 He always wears a suit the office. inside / among coral structures.
10 Iwant some pictures my office. It's not a good idea to stand opposite / against a
wall that has a 'wet paint'sign on it.
Unit 25 151