Page 150 - PDF_Oxford Grammar for Schools 5_Neat 1
P. 150

%4 Complete the conversations with in, on or at.                                  Work in pairs.Take turns to choose a
                ÿ  'When will the new library open?'                                        question from exercise 6 to ask a partner.
                   'on      the 23rd of October next year.'
                                                                                     where were you. at   four  o'clock
                1 'When did she live here?'                                          yesterday after   ÿoia.?
                   ' _      the 1960s.'
                2 'Why didn't she phone?'      _                                                                     Iwas oiÿ the bus.
                   'They didn't have phones            that time!'
                3 'When are they leaving?'                                           where were you five       o'clock
                   ' _      six weeks' time.'                                        yesterday after   i-vooia,?
                4 'When was he born?'
                   '        this day in 1672.'                                                                           was at honÿ-e.
                5 'When does the film start?'
                   ' _      quarter to seven.'                                       JT    Write four short paragraphs to answer the
                6 'When do you go swimming?'                                               questions below. Give your text to other
                   '        the school holidays.'                                 *        students to read.
                7 'When can we talk about it?'                                     1 What's your favourite season? Why? What do you
                   ' _      dinner.'
                                                                                      do in this season?
                8 'Why didn't you seethe play?'                                    2 Which monthdon't you like? Why? What happens
                   'I wasn't at school _       that day.'
                                                                                      inthis month?
                                                                                   3 What's your favourite day of the week? Why?
           *5             Work in pairs. Student A cover exercise                     What do you usually do on this day?
                          4 and Student B ask the questions. How
                                                                                   4 What's your favourite time of day? Why?
                          many answers can Student A remember?
                          Swap roles.
                                                                                     TIME ANE> Me
                  wheiA, will the uvew library o-pe ia,?
                                                                                     i I lltee sum,mer because I    always have a
                                                                                        holiday with cvcy friers, we swim, avM
                                                 Oia 2.5th October?
                                                                                        «K I  I             A /J ft    /v  a 4-I/ >»  /»» //>. a  I  « y»
                            No, try agaiia.!                                            play gam¿s ma* ene day,     at-vd ha.che evefuiA¿)
                                                                                        we have a ÿu,eaI together.
                                           Oia,23rd October?

                            yes, that's right.

             6 Complete each line with in, on, at or no
                preposition (-).

                ÿ  Where were you at         three/four/five o'clock
                   yesterday afternoon?
                1 What were you doing _             this day last year/
                   two years ago?
                2 Where were you     _        last Friday/Saturday/
                3 Where will you be    _        two days'/weeks'/
                4 How many metres can you run/swim/walk
                   _        five minutes?

                5 How old were you     _                 October
                   the 24th 201 1/May the 1st 2012/January
                   the 15th2013?
                6 Where do you usually sit    _        breakfast/
                7 What do you usually do     _        your birthday/
                   Fridays/the last day of term?
                8 What are you doing     _        tomorrow/
                   this evening/next Saturday?

          1 50 Prepositions of time, place and movement
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