Page 155 - PDF_Oxford Grammar for Schools 5_Neat 1
P. 155

As and like

             As and like can be used as prepositions and
                                                                                what's that on   your head? it looks like a
             We use as as a preposition to talk about someone                  jumper!
             or something's job or function.                               Q it Is ajumper.     I'm, utslng it as a hat. I'm.very
             Heworks as a taxidriver.
             You coulduse this bag as a hat.
                                                                                Wait a minute I ooks like m¿/ju.mper!
             We use like as a preposition to talk about                    Q well, as isaid, Iam very cold ...
             I can't believeit's the summer!Itfeels like winter!
             Hewas a scientist, like his father.

             We also use like to introduce examples.
             Wesawlots ofinsects, likebeesandbutterflies.

             We use as as a conjunction with clauses about                                  -n/io
             speaking and knowing.
             Asyou know,the schoolwill beclosedon Wednesday.
             Itwas Tom's idea,as I'vealready toldyou.

                Complete the sentences with as or like.                       ¡i-4 Circle one option in each line thenfinish the

                ÿ  Let's use this shirt as      a flag.                            sentences so they are true for you.
                   What's that noise? It sounds           thunder.                 ÿ  I'mexcited / hungry / thirsty/ tired because
                   This animal has a very long neck,a bit   _                          I haven't had a  drivÿk siwe elflht o'clock this
                   a giraffe.
                   _        Isaid yesterday, it's not for sale.                    1 I'mexcited / hungry/ thirsty/ tired because

                   He's got a job  _       a shop assistant.
                   _        a parent,you need to be very patient.                  2 Isometimes        _             while I'mcoming to
                   _        most people,she likes being with                          school / going homefrom school / watching TV.
                   her friends.                                                    3 Ilike all kinds of food / music / films except
           S3 O 26.1 Match a-i to 1-8and add as or like.                           4 Ican speak English / playfootball / write stories
                Then listen and check.                                                and

                ÿ  She worked as          _0_                      O               5 My mother / father / uncle / aunt works as a
                1 Here's a photo of my uncle. He looks
                2 I'd like to talk to you __                                       6 One of my friends / brothers/ cousins looks like
                3 The test was quite difficult,
                4 He'd like to get a job
                5 She sings beautifully, __                                                  Work in groups. Compare your sentences
                6 We used a sharp stone         _ _                                         from exercise 4.
                7 Let's get her some flowers,                                         Cm thirsty because Ihaven't had a
                8 This perfume smells    __
                                                                                      driven  sivÿce  eight o'clock this mom.
                a a bird.Listen!
                b a friend. Is that OK?
                c flowers and vanilla. It's very nice.
                d a businessman, but he's actually an artist.
                e a knife. It worked very well.
                f roses or tulips.
                g a nurse inthe nineties.
                h a tour guide next summer.
                i Iexpected.

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