Page 162 - PDF_Oxford Grammar for Schools 5_Neat 1
P. 162

Future simple passive and might

                           I can talk about possible and certain future events inthe passive.

          Future simple passive

                                                                              *  1 ©28.1 Listen and number the picturesfrom 1-6.

                f~~ÿ) what will happen to the old    cintvÿa
                O    it'll probably be knocked down.
                o    Cm, not so sure. A lot   of -people like that

                     old building. I think, it might be saved.

                Q i hope so.

                                                                                      It __
                                                                                   Complete the sentences with the future simple

             We use the future simple passive to predict what                      sentences to the pictures in exercise 1.
             will happen to something or someone, or to make a                     ÿ  They 'LI be washed     . (wash)   a
             promise.                                                              1  HeJ                   (interview)  _
             Itwillbe deliveredon Tuesday.                                         2  It _               .. (borrow)  _
             You'llprobably be askedagain.                                         3    _                 in a cup of hot water, (put)
             We form the future simple passive with will be and                    4  It _                into pieces, (cut)
             the past participle.                                                  5 They                     (iron)
             This door will bemoved.                                               6 It                  .. (read)
             You won't beaskedany questions.                                       7 They                    again, (wear)  _
             'Willitbefixed soon?''Yes, it will.'                                  8 He                  ..(photograph)
                                                                                                          to the library, (returned)
                                                                                   9 It _ --
             As with all passives, we can add by + agent to say who               10 They                     (peel)  -
             will do the action.                                                  11 It _                 inthe bin. (throw) _
             This afternoonyouwillbetaught by Mr Smith.                           12 It                   into a dress, (make)  _

             We use with + instrument,ingredient or material to
             say what the agent will use.                                     *  3 Completethe sentences with by or with.           O
             The cake willbecut with a silver knife.                               ÿ  The car will be attached to the truck with
                                                                                      a special chain.
             We can add the adverbs definitely and probably to                     1 His portrait will be painted  _        a famous artist.
             future simple passive sentences to express different                  2 Each certificate will be tied  _       a red ribbon.
             degrees of certainty.                                                 3 The room will be decorated     _        balloons.

             We place the adverb between will and be but before                    4 The biscuits will be covered    _ pink icing.
             won't be.                                                             5 The programme will be watched        -
             It'lldefinitely/probably bemoved.                                        of people around the world.
             They definitely/probably won't begivenany help.                       6 The final decision will be made    _        the

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