Page 166 - PDF_Oxford Grammar for Schools 5_Neat 1
P. 166

Hovesomething done

                           I can use havesomething done to talk about services provided by professionals.

             Havesomething done is a special passive structure which
             we use when we arrange - and usually pay- for somebody                         ¿3)                   them yourself?
             to do a specificjob for us.                                                              you.
             She hadher nailspainted.                                                       O No, i had them-painted At a shop
             (= She paid someone to paint her nails.)                                            llA- tOWUV

             We can use have something done in different tenses and                         ¿3)"&ut what about the avails ovÿ the
             with different modal verbs. Only have changes.                                      other h aiÿd?
             Are you havingyour haircut?                                                    Qok I'm.0oIia¿) to have them dovÿe
             I won't havemy eyes tested today.                                                   i/vext weete. didn't have euvough
                                                                                                 moÿey    to have them dovÿe  today  !
              Subject    have          object
              He         has           his bike      checked       once a year.

              They       're having    their car     repaired      at the moment.

              We         had           the house     painted       last year.

              She        's had        her hair      washed.

              You        can have      your eyes     tested        here.

              1                        my nair       cut           t tomorrow.
                                                                          y /n»
                                         % 0
            *  1 What can you do at the shopping centre? Match 1 -5 to a-f.
                 ÿ  You can have your nails painted.    0                 3 You can have a spare key cut. [~~|

                 1 You can have aT-shirt printed. ÿ                       4 You can have    Vour Photo  taken- ÿ
                 2 You can have your computer fixed. [                    5 You can have your shoes mended.



                                          &                                  f


                E                                                                                    m

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