Page 171 - PDF_Oxford Grammar for Schools 5_Neat 1
P. 171

3 Read the text below and choose the correct word for each space. Write A, B, C or D.

                                                                                            ÿ  A creates     B created    C is created
                      Robots - past, present and future                                        D was created
                                                                                            1 A to     B with    C by     D at
                     ASIMO is a robot with a human appearance which can                     2 A uses      B is used    C used
                     run and walk. It  ÿ      in 2000       engineers at the                   D was used
                     Japanese company Honda.                                                3 A will help     B is helped
                                                                                               C will be helped     D was helped
                     At the moment, ASIMO     2 _   to teach young people about             4 A is drawn      B was drawn      C draws
                     maths and science. In the future, it        people who have
                                                                                               D drew
                     problems with movement.
                                                                                            5 A first    B was first   C first was
                     In 1495, Leonardo da Vinci first   4 _  plans for a robot                 D first is
                     that looked like a person. But it wasn't until the 1950s that          6 A design      B designed
                     the first piece of robotic technology        produced. In the             C are designed      D were designed
                     USA, George Devol and Joe Engleberger         6 -  a robot             7 A used      B use    C using
                     arm, which was    7 _   in a car factory.                                 D be used
                     From then on, more efficient robots and robotics    8 _   ,            8 A might invent       B invented
                                                                                               C might be invented
                                                                                                                         D were invented
                     thanks to the development of computer technology.                      9 A get hurt      B havesomething hurt
                     These days, robots do jobs in places where a human                        C hurt    D will be hurt
                     might  9      For example, they   10 _  in places like                10 A have something used         B used
                     nuclear power stations, in outer space and deep under                     C use    D are used
                     the sea.                                                              11 A will do     B will be done
                                 11_                                                           C might do      D are done
                     What jobs         by robots in the future?
                                                                                           12 A humans be ever        B humans ever be
                     Scientists are developing robots which work with other                    C ever be humans       D ever humans be
                     robots or with humans to solve complex problems. Will
                      12_   replaced by robots like ASIMO completely?


                Complete the second sentence so that it means the same as                 5 This is part of a an email you receive
               the first. Use no more than three words.                                       from an English friend.
               ÿ  HeidiTaylor designed the Atlas Hotel in 1976.
                  The Atlas Hotel was designed_ by HeidiTaylor in
                  1976.                                                                       r
                                                                                                 Which building in your town or
                1 Many people visit the hotel café every day.
                  The hotel café                              by many people                     city do you like best? What is the
                  every day.                                                                     building used for? When was it
               2 Gardeners established the rose gardens in 1981.                                 built? What will happen to it inthe
                  The rose gardens _                             in 1981.                        future?
               3 Many couples pay peopleto film their weddings at the hotel.
                  Many couples have                                at the hotel.                 Are there any buildingsthat you
               4 HeidiTaylor is paying someone to write a book about the                         don't like? What are they used for?
                  hotel.       _                                                                 When were they built?What will
                  HeidiTaylor                              book written about the
                  hotel.                                                                         happen to them in the future?
               5 EdTims might use the hotel as a location for his next film.                                                             J
                  The hotel  _                           by Ed Tims as a location
                                                                                              Write an email, answering your friend's
                  for his next film.
               6 Someone will give you the key to your room.
                  You  _                          the key to your room.

                                                                                                  Exam preparation       Units 25-29 171
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