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P. 173
Phrasal verbs
I can recognize and use some common phrasal verbs.
A phrasal verb has two parts - a verb and an adverb.
Some of these adverbs look the same as prepositions.
Phrasal verbs are usually more informal than a one-
word verb. The most common adverbs in phrasal verbs
are up,down, out, on and off.
The phrasal verb often has a completely different
meaning from the verb by itself.
turn = change direction; turn up = make louder
Canyou turn the music up?I can'thear it.
give = pass to another person;give up = stop trying
The puzzlewas very difficultso hesoon gave up.
put=place something;put out= extinguish
Didyou put the candles out or are theystillburning?
Sometimes the adverb doesn't change the meaning
of the phrasal verb much.
I mustgive thisjacket back to Edward. fwhat's on?
Canyou turn round,please?
<ÉÉÍ"They're tatelt-vg all the furniture awau.
I needto putthis suitcase down.
When a phrasal verb has an object, it can go before Somephrasalvevtedorft hmanobject.
or after the adverb.
What time didyou get up? (= get out of bed)
Switch the light on/Switch on the light.
Theplanetook off. (= started flying)
Takeyour shoes off./Take offyour shoes.
Some phrasal verbs have more than one meaning.
However,when we use a pronoun it always goes
We needto get on the train now. (=enter)
BEFORE the adverb.
Switchiton. Switchon it, HenryandIget on well but hisbrother andIdon't
geton atall. (=have a good/bad relationship with
Take them off. Take offthem.
Matchthese common phrasal verbs with the O * 2 Complete the sentences with the correct form of
correct meaning. Use a dictionary if necessary. phrasal verbs from exercise 1.
ÿ lookup _b_ ÿ Hello!Do you want to covÿe in and have
1 wake up a coffee?
2 fill in _ 1 'What does this word mean?' 'Why don't you
_ _
3 come in _ it inthe dictionary?'
4 grow up _ 2 'Where's the newspaper?' 'Oh I'm really sorry. I've
5 throw away _ it _ :
6 lookout _ 3 Dora _ at half past five this
a becareful
4 Have you the application form
b research (in a dictionary or book or on the internet)
c complete (a form) _
5 I here but Imoved to the city
d put with the rubbish
when Iwas eighteen.
e change from baby to adult
6 _ !There's a car coming!
f stop sleeping
g enter
Unit 30 173