Page 175 - PDF_Oxford Grammar for Schools 5_Neat 1
P. 175
6 O 30.2 Add the missing prepositions.Then listen % 9 Complete the questions with the correct form
and check. of phrasal verbs using a word from each box.
ÿ What time did you get up today? O Add itor them where necessary.
1 Do these shoes go _ these trousers? fill give go grow look
2 What's been going _ here? O put take take take wake
3 Well, go !What happened next?
away back in on off
4 When you finish with that paint can you put it
_ ,please? out up up up up
5 He should take _ a new hobby. ÿ What's a good sport for someone intheir sixties
well with Ed, don't you?
6 You get _ to tafee up _ ?
7 Could you give these worksheets, please? ÿ If you don't understand an English word, where
8 Do you want to take your coat _ ? do you I oote. It up ?
9 Hey,that's mine! Give it _ !
1 What time did you _ this morning?
10 Well? Do you want to keeptrying or do you
give ? 2 If you borrow something, do you always
remember to _ ? _
3 Where did your grandparents ?
%7 Matcha-j to 1-10.
4 What's _ outside at the moment?
1 Are the boxes still outside? c\ 5 When did you last a form?
2 Is Linda still wearing her hat? _ 6 When you go into someone's home do you keep
3 Shall Istop? your shoes on or do you _ ?
4 Is the fire still burning? _ _ 7 What do you get if you _ 111
5 Shall Igo on holding this plate? from 444?
6 Do you know the answer?
8 If there's a fire inthe kitchen what's the best
7 Are you friends with Milly? _ _
way to ?
8 Have we still gotTom's DVDs? _
9 Is Catherine still on the bus? Work in pairs. Discussyour answers to
10 Is the tent still inthe garden? - the questiensinexercise §•.
a No,we don't really get on.
What's a good sport for sow,eot-ve
b No, you can put it down.
í-iA/ 1 heir sixties to ta\zt up?
c No,she's taken it off.
d No,go on. a good sport for everyokve.
e No, Igive up.
f No, I've put it away. yes, auui how about golf?
g No,someone's taken them away.
h No,I've given them back. Join with another pair to compare your answers.
i No,she got off.
j No,it's gone out. We thlkvte swlmmliÿ avÿd golf are
good sports for older people to tatee up.
is Who can answer first? Work in small
groups. Everyone closes their books
except one person, who reads out
Self-evaluation Rate your progress.
sentences 1-10 from exercise 7.
The first person to say the correct
response wins a point.
Are the boxes stilloutside?
No, sokvteoi-ve's tafeen them, away.
Unit 30 175