Page 176 - PDF_Oxford Grammar for Schools 5_Neat 1
P. 176
All units Exam preparation
Look at the text in each question. What does it say? Tick ÿ A, B or C.
H\ We are abowt ÿ0
The library r¿*ng. They have yeoyleto coiÿe tod¿\y, Wt \V\ere
-f-he you ordered, b£/-f are 0r\ly 20 cka\r$. give
¿>nly KeeP i -t utttW
Wednesday. yOvyr $€£*t to $oÿeoÿ€ wUo
it Iÿore tk¿*ÿ yoÿ!
ÿ A Amanda must order the book before
Wednesday. 3 A Everyone will beable to have a seat.
B 3 Amanda must go to the library by B There are only a couple of seats.
Wednesday. C There aren't enough seats for everyone to
C Amanda can keep the library book until sit on.
Hi Dad
Max I'm on my way home now. I'm a bit
I've. ntcuiciqed to f/Y the late because the teacher said I
could help her in the school garden
compter so you don t need if I wanted to.
to do anything a-bout /t. See you soon.
4 The teacher
1 Linda
A made Milly help her.
A wants Max to fix the computer. B ÿ let Milly help her.
B has had the computer fixed.
C asked Milly to help her.
C has fixed the computer herself.
Vou mustn' t enter unless
Opening times
the lisht is sreen.
fTlonday to UJednesday 8 a.m.-6 p.m.
Thursday 1p.m.-9 p.m. 5 A Only enter when the light is green.
Friday 9 a.m.-12 p.m. B The door opens when the light is green.
C You can't enter ifthe light is green.
Saturday and Sunday 9 a.m.-2 p.m.
2 A The shop is open every morning except
Friday morning.
B The shop isn't open for as long on
Saturdays as on Mondays.
C The shop is open the longest on
176 Revision 9 Exam preparation