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P. 181

Unit 4, student A                                                  Unit 15, story trail part 2

           21 Imagine you are a TV reporter.You are going to
                                                                              Edward is a farmer. Didyou guess correctly?
                interview Henry and Jamie. Prepare questions.
                Questions for Henry
                1 How often/you/go swimming                                        Read part two of the story.
                   How  of tei-v do you 0o swlmmli/v0?
                2 How often/you/see people in difficulty inthe
                                                                                      Edward lives in a cold, wet country.
                                                                                      He's a happy man. He's been married
                3 What/you/play/on the beach when you/hear/Jamie
                                                                                      for 30 years. Edward and his wife Milly
                4 What/Jamie/shout
                5 What/you/talk about/when/wait/Jamie                                 grow fruit and vegetables on their farm.
                                                                                      It's a small farm. Edward and Milly
                Questions for Jamie
                1 When/you/learn to swim                                              don't have a tractor or any other big
                2 How/you/feel about swimming inthe sea now                           machines.
                3 What/Henry/say/to you
                                                                                       One day, Edward was working on the
                4 What/you/say/to Henry
                5 you/think/Henry will be a good lifeguard                            farm. Milly was away. She had gone to
                                                                                       stay with her sister for a few days.

          Unit 7, student A
                                                                                2 What was Edwarddoing? Guess from the
             2            Work in pairs.Mime preparing for the                     activities inthe box.Use mighthave or can't have.
                          actions. Can your partner guess what you're
                                                                                     pick oranges drive a tractor      pick apples
                          going todo?
                                                                                     dig   feed the animals     makejam
                You're going to wash your hands.
                You're going to play the piano.                                      He ca iÿ't have beeÿv  drívívu} a tractor

                You're going to going to eat a meal.                                 because V\e hasn't got a tractor.

           %9             Arrange to do the activities inthe box with                                    He vuiqht have borrowed a

                          student B. Use will, begoing to, the present                                   tractor frovu, another  farmer.
                          continuous and the present simple. Write
                          the arrangements inyour diary.                        3 Now turn to page 183 for part three of the story.

                           talk about our school project
                           play tennis    have a picnic
                           watch a DVDtogether                               Unit 9,group A

                                                                              13 Write the reported
                           morning        afternoon      evening
                                                                                   questions. Start with
                           do my          meet Sam                                                                              *
           Monday                                                                  She askedme...
                           homework       3.00
                                                                                        what's the problem,?
                                                                                                1    h+ow lovu$ have you. felt  lileethis?
                           meet Andy                     cinema with
                           9.30                          Tom 7.00
                                                                                   2    Have you 0ot    a high temperature?
                                                                                                3    Have you. got a headache?
                           do my          dentist
                           homework       2.30                                     she asteeri me what the problemwas.

                                          lesson 2.00
                                                         theatre with
                                                         Vicky 7.30

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