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P. 182
Unit 16,student A Unit 23,Team A
6 Readthe text and prepare questions to complete Usethe informationbelow to write quiz questions
the story. Usethe question words in brackets. with How and How often and three possible
Then ask your partner your questions. answers.
1 When a musical score says 'lento'a musician
A city garden should play slowly.
2 Lions have babies every two years.
Tommy lived in (ÿ Where?), on the ('Which?) 3 An Australian man travelled around the world by
floor of a block of flats. He liked living there helicopter for the first time in 1983.
because two of his best friends lived in the
same block.
Unit 27, student A
The three boys loved (2What?). Sidney and
Leo were happy to go to the park or explore
new parts of the city. But Tommy wanted Complete the sentences.Then check your answers
with student B.
more. He had always wanted his own garden.
One day, the boys were walking in a part of
the city that they didn't know when they found M"he water is checked every two hours.
a small patch of land. They saw (3What?)
on the land, and good earth underneath it.
ÿ The water Is checked every two hours.
Tommy started talking to an old man who was
sitting (4Where?).
The man said, 'It's my land. Why don't you Allourbiscuits are m,
clear it for me? When it's completely clear,
you can grow things here.'
1 We all our biscuits by hand.
The boys spent three weeks clearing the land.
They planted a (5What?), and Tommy got his
flower garden, too. The police arrested her at three
(6Who?) came and helped Tommy, Leo and o'clock this morning.
Sidney with the project. They were very kind,
and gave tools, seeds and water to the boys. 2 A woman at three o'clock in the
But they never saw the old man again. morning.
Total : .db
where did live? You were served by Julia to day.
We hope you er Joyed your meal!
where did live? ii-v LovuAo
3 Julia you today.
Unit 16,student A ca.\ór\ all tUz <
fisk locally.
Choosethe answers that you think are correct.
Then check them with your partner using
4 All our fish locally.
question tags. Use falling intonation if you're sure
about a fact or rising intonationif you're not sure.
0 0
1 Helsinki is inMexico / Finland/ Canada. °s ííraiMí
2 Tigers live in Africa / Asia / Australia. <s>
3 A hexagon has six / seven / eight sides. ©pena'sdm 1996*
4 A chameleon is a reptile/ insect / mammal. 0
HelsíiAJeí's 1ÿ FíÿLaÿd, ísi*/t It? Yes, i thlfUe so. 5 They this building in 1996.
182 Extra information