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P. 187

Unit 22

             9            Work in pairs. Move horizontally«-» and vertically $through the mazefrom START to FINISH.
                          Draw a lineto build phrases with two or three adjectives inthe correct order. Always start a
                          new phrase on the last square of the previous phrase. How many squares do you use?

                   rmmr                                                                           "EINISHr

                            a            beautiful             a door           comedy                  film.             action I

                   I Indian               green                                   credit            adventure             funny I
                                                              a new

                       cotton              ancient              nice                                   short             terrible 1
                                                                                   a red

                   I board                                       hat                                                          an
                                          chopping                                paper              amazing
                       a nice                               a wooden                                                     costume 1

                                                               house                                   photo
                          aid               gUeSt                                 squape                               swimming 1
                                                              a large                                a black

                                                                                            Unit 27, answers

                                                                                                 ÿ  Bicycles were first ridden inGermany
                                            beautiful              a door                        inthe nineteenth century.
                                                                                                 1 DVDs were invented in the 1990s.
                                                                                                 2 Violins were first made in Italy.
                                                                                                 3 The first newspapers were printed in
                                                                 -plate                             the seventeenth century.
                           Indian             green                                              4 Golf was first played in Scotland.
                                                                  a new                          5 Ice-creamwas first eaten in the tenth

                                                                                                 6 Coffee was first drunk in Ethiopia.


                                                    a  beautiful greets -plate
                                                    a uvew...

                                                                                                                  Extra information 187
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