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Unit 15, story trail part 3                                        Unit 4, student B

                                                                                   Prepare questions about the missing information
           Edward was digging. Did you guess correctly?                            to ask student B.
                                                                                   SPORT: A man from France swam across
                                                                                   __                          for almost 102 hours in
                Read part three of the story.                                      _                           in 1998.
                                                                                   MUSIC: A man from Italysang
                    Suddenly,he had the shock of his life.                         September 2011.

                    He couldn't believe his eyes!                                  _
                                                                                   SPORT: A Chinese man dived down a
                                                                                                               in 2008.
                                                                                   FUN:People in Maine, USA built a
                What had happened? Guessfrom the events                                                         In 2009.
                below. Use might hove or can't have.
                                                                                   Readthe text.Take turns to ask and answer
                  saw a snake    saw    Milly heard some music
                                                                                   your questions.
                  heard Milly found a ring found some money
                                                                                   SPORT: In2012, a woman from Japan climbed
                  H-e Height have seeuv a sweatee.                                 Mount Everest.
                                                                                   FOOD:In 2004, two Italian men made a 634-metre
             3 Now turn to page 186for part four.                                  sandwich. 19,000 people ate the sandwich.
                                                                                   SPORT: A 96-year-old South African man did a
                                                                                   bungeejump in 2010.
          Unit 2, student B                                                        FUN:In 2009, 13,413 people painted their faces
                                                                                   at the same time in Yunnan, China.
           1 3 What's different? Describe your picture to
                student A using quantifiers. Can you find ten                        what did a   y-3-year-old  wom,«i<v
                differences in three minutes?                                       from,JflpfliA. climb It-v 2¿>±2?
                ó         bath oil    brush    iron   peg                                                Mou-fut Everest.
                          perfume rubber gloves
                                        soap towel
                                                                                                        What did a fu-auv
                                                                                                        swim, across Iia,   from-  France

                                                                                        The Atlantic,.

                                                                             Unit 4, student B

                                                          IRON                     Imagine you are Henry.Prepare answers for
                                                                                   these questions.
                                                                                   How often do you go swimming?
                                                                                   How often do you see people in difficulty in the water?
                                                                                   What were you playing on the beach when you
                                                                                   heard Jamie?
                                                                                   What was Jamie shouting?
                                                                                   What did you talk about when you were waiting
                                                                                   with Jamie?

                                                                             Unit 7,student B

                                                                                2            Work in pairs.Mime preparingfor the
                                                                                             actions. Can your partner guess what
                                                                                             you're going to do?

                                                                                   You're going to sneeze.
                                                                                   You're going to open a can of drink.
                                                                                   You're going to eat some soup.

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