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P. 185

Unit 16,student B                                                  Unit 17,student B

                Choosethe answers that you think are correct.                         W    Work in pairs.Write six questions about
                Then check them with your partner using                                    your picture with Canyou see ? +
                question tags. Use falling intonation if you're sure                       a defining relative clause.
                about a fact or rising intonation if you're not sure.

                1 Pandas eat grass / bamboo / meat.
                2 99 divided by 3 is 3/ 33/ 3,333.
                3 Vancouver is inthe USA / Britain / Canada.
                4 A violin has four /five / six strings.
                5  C02  is carbon monoxide / carbon / carbon

                 pandas    eat  bam,boo, doÿ't they?

                                                       yes, i thlkvfe so.
          Unit 23, student C

                Use the information below to write quiz
                questions with How and How often and three
                possible answers.

                1 When a musical score says 'forte'a musician
                   should play loudly.
                2 Pandas have babies every three years.
                3 Three men from the USA travelled across the
                   Atlantic Ocean by hot air balloon for the first
                   time in 1978.

          Unit 4, student C                                                            caí*, you see a wiiÿdow   that's opei-v?
                                                                                       Cflkv  you see a kw-fliA, who's lau.0híiA¿)?
                Imagine you are Jamie. Prepare answers for these
                When did you learn to swim?
                How do you feel about swimming inthe sea now?                Unit 9, group C
                What did Henry say to you in the water?
                                                                                   Write the reported
                What did you say to Henry?
                Doyou think Henrywill be a good lifeguard?                         questions. Start with
                                                                                   I askedher...

                                                                                   ÿ    is there a sho-p?

                                                                                                   1    what time is   breakfast?

                                                                                   2   r>oes      room, have a sea view?

                                                                                                   3   caÿv I have             cvcy  room,?

                                                                                                 If there was a shop.
                                                                                    { asteeri her

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