Page 189 - PDF_Oxford Grammar for Schools 5_Neat 1
P. 189


          Unit 4 Revision of tenses                                                            Unit 9 Reported speech

          Present simple
                                                                                                Direct speech     Reportedspeech
                                                                                                present tense     past tense
          I Spelling rules: he/she/ itform
                                                                                                is/are -» was/were    wants -» wanted
           most verbs                      + -s      eat -> eats   play -> plays
                                                                                                is/are leaving -» was/were leaving
           ending in-ch,-o,-sh, -ss                  finish -> finishes                         have got -» had
                                           + -es
            or-x                                     relax -» relaxes
                                                                                                past simple and present perfect
           ending inconsonant + -y         -> -ies   carry -» carries   try -> tries              past perfect

           have                                      has                                        has/have arrived -> had arrived
                                                                                                spoke -> had spoken

          Present continuous                                                                    modalsthat change

          I Spelling rules:-ing form                                                            can    could    will  would
                                                                                                must -> had to
           most verbs            + -ing           eat seating     watch -» watching
                                                                                                modalsthat don't change
           ending in -e          e +  -ing        write -» writing   have -» having
                                                                                                could -» could    would -» would
           ending in -ie         -» -ying         lie  lying    die -» dying                    should -> should

           ending in one         double
                                                  shop -> shopping
           stressed vowel +      consonant +
                                                  begin    beginning                            direct speech -» reported speech
            one consonant        -ing
                                                                                                here -> there   now     then
            ifthe vowel is
           unstressed or         don't            listen -» listening                           this/these-» that/those
                                 double                                                         today -»that day
            the consonant is                      play-> playing
            w,x, y...                                                                           yesterday    the day before/
                                                                                                the previous day
          Past simple                                                                           tomorrow      the next/following day
                                                                                                next week/month/year
          I Spelling rules:regular verbs
                                                                                                the following week/
           most verbs                 +-ed             ask -masked     start -» started         month/year

                                                                                                last week/month/year -»
           ending in -e               + -d             live -> lived   hate -» hated
                                                                                                the previous week/
                                                       stay    stayed                           month/year
           ending in vowel +-y        + -ed
                                                       enjoy -> enjoyed                         three days ago -> three days before/
           ending in consonant                         carry -> carried                         earlier
            + -y                                       study -> studied

           ending in one vowel        double           plan -» planned
            + one consonant           consonant        prefer -> preferred

            stress not on last        don't double
                                                       listen -> listened
            syllable                  consonant

            if consonant is -w,-x     don't double     relax -> relaxed
           or-y                       consonant        snow     snowed

                                                                                                                           Reference 189
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