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P. 184

Unit 7, student B                                                  Unit 16,student B

                                                                                6 Readthe text and prepare questions to find the
                          Arrange to do the activities inthe box with
                                                                                   missing information. Usethe question words in
                          student A. Use will, begoing to, the present
                                                                                   brackets.Then ask your partner your questions
                          continuous and the present simple. Write
                                                                                   and completethe story.
                         the arrangements inyour diary.
                           talk about our school project     play tennis
                           have a picnic watch a DVD together                           A city garden
                                                                                        Tommy lived                    (ÿ Where?),
                           morning           afternoon      evening                     on the tenth floor of a block of flats. He liked
                                                                                        living there                  ('Why?).
                                             do my          cinema with
                                             homework       Amy 7.00                    The three boys loved being outdoors. Sidney
                                                                                        and Leo were happy to go to the park or
                                             do my
           Tuesday                                                                      explore new parts of the city. But Tommy
                                                                                        wanted more. He had always wanted
                                                                                       _ (2What?).
                           optician - eye                   theatre with
                           test 11.00                       Ed 7.30                     One day, the boys were walking
                                                                                       _ (3Where?) when they found a
                                             meet Libby
           Thursday                                                                     small patch of land. They saw a lot of rubbish
                                                                                        on the land, and good earth underneath it.
                                                                                        Tommy started talking to an old man who was
                                                                                        sitting on a bench nearby.

                                                                                        The man said, 'It's my land. Why don't you
                           swimming                         meet Rosy
           Saturday                                                                     clear it for me? When it's completely clear,
                           lesson 10.00                     6.30
                                                                                        you can grow things here.'

           Sunday                                                                       Th§boy§§p§nt                       1'How  long?)
                                                                                        clearing the land. They planted a fruit tree
                                                                                        and some vegetables, and Tommy got his
                                                                                        flower garden, too.
                                                                                        Local people came and helped Tommy, Leo
          Unit 9, group B                                                               and Sidney with the project. They were very
                                                                                        kind, and gave                  _
                                                                                                                          (5What?) to
                Write the reported                                                      the boys. But they never saw
                questions. Start with                                                   (6Who or what?) again.
                He askedme...

                *    v>o you  wflyvt to try some cheese?                                  where did   Tommy live?

                                  1    i>o you.  vÿetd a bag?
                                                                                     Where did Tommy live?               L-ondoÿ.
                     t>o you  waiA,t  flyuythii/vg else?

                                  3    h-ow would you                        Unit 23, student B

                                                                                   Use the information below to write quiz questions
                                                                                   with Howand Howoften and three possible
                                                                                   1 When a musical score says 'allegro', a musician
                                                                                      should play fast.
                                                                                   2 Chimpanzees have babies every five years.
                                                                                   3 An English man travelled around the world by
                                                                                      bikefor the first time in 1884.

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