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P. 180
Extra information
Unit 1 Unit 4, student A
12 O 1-5 Complete the audio script with a, an, the, Prepare questions about the missing information
some or - (no article).Then listen again and check. to ask student B.
red! And there are soQ
A: Wow, look at ÿ the colours in this picture! SPORT: A 73-year-old woman climbed
B: Amazing! Ilove 1_ _ in 2012.
many different kinds of red there. FOOD:Two Italian men made a
_ in 2004. 19,000 people
A: Where is it? 2_ 3_
B: Ithink it's in Africa, North ate it.
SPORT: A 96-year-old South African man did
Africa. Let me see ...ah yes, it's in 4_ _
Morocco. in 2010.
A: What is 5 _ red stuff? Is it 6 _ paint? FUN: 13,413 people painted
B: It's7 _ dye. _ at the same time in
A: Sorry? Yunnan, China in 2009.
B: Dye - d-y-e:for changing _ colour of
9_ things. Look,there are 10_ animal 13 Take turns to ask your questions from exercise 12
skins hanging on 11_ wall. 12_ men and answer your partner's questions about this
are going to dye them to make coloured information.
13 _ leather,for making _ bags and SPORT: In 1998,a man from France swam across
15_ shoes. the Atlantic.
ft; Oh,of cause.My mum'sgat _ bigthat MUSIC; Septembei2011,amanifom Italysang
kind of colour. karaoke for almost 102 hours.
SPORT: In 2008, a Chinese man dived down a
twelve-metre waterfall.
Unit 2, student A FUN:In 2009, people in Maine, USA built a 37-metre
high snow woman.
What's different? Describe your picture to
student B using quantifiers. Can you find ten what did a y-z-ÿtav-old woma IA,
differences inthree minutes? f rom, Jfl-pfli/v climb Í\a, 2.012.7
bath oil brush iron peg
perfume rubber gloves Mow.iA,t Everest.
O shampoo soap towel What did a mat A/from Frflÿvce
swim across li/v ±ÿS?
The Atlantic.
180 Extra information