Page 177 - PDF_Oxford Grammar for Schools 5_Neat 1
P. 177

Look at the sentences below about rock and rock formations. Read the text to decide ifthe sentences
                are true or false.

                ÿ  Earth is formed of very few different kinds of rock, true /false
                1 Wind is an example of a surface processwhich has shaped the landscape, true / false
                2 Tourists and photographers are attracted to rock formations which look like other things, true / false
                3 The 'neck'of the Queen's Head in Taiwan is made of harder rock than the 'head', true / false
                4 The stone columns that form the Giant's Causeway are all the same shape, true / false
                5 Visitors mustn't walk on the Giant's Causeway, true / false
                6 Wave Rock is on a beach in Australia, true /false
                7 It's about 110 metres from one end of Wave Rock to the other end. true /false
                8 Geologists think Wave Rock will break soon, true /false
                9 Walkers used to be able to walk under the Landscape Arch in Utah,USA. true / false
              10 In 2008 a rock formation collapsed in a national park in Utah, USA, due to natural processes, true / false

                  The surface of our planet is formed of many different kinds of rock. Over many years,
                   geological movement and surface processes (like wind, water, ice, and fire) have
                  formed this rock into different landscapes.

                   Some individual rock formations are particularly             Wave Rock, in the middle of the countryside in
                   striking, especially if they resemble something like a      Western Australia, was formed about 60 million years
                   person or a building. These structures attract tourists      ago. This multi-coloured structure is about 15metres
                   and photographers in great numbers.                          high and 110 metres long and has the appearance
                                                                                of a huge surf wave which is going to crash onto a
                  The Queen's Head in Taiwan is one such popular
                                                                                beach at any moment.
                  tourist attraction. It's kind of 'mushroom rock', which
                   meansthat a piece of large hard rock sits on top of a        How long will it be before these rock formations
                   column of softer rock. The top rock looks like a head        change again because of natural processes? It's
                   and the column looks like a long thin neck. From             already happening to some of them. The Landscape
                   certain angles it has the appearance of a woman              Arch is an 88-metre sandstone arch in a national
                   with an elegant hairstyle.                                   park in Utah, USA. Several pieces of rock have fallen
                                                                                off the thinnest section of the arch in recent years,
                   In Northern Ireland, the Giant's Causeway is a large
                                                                                so the path which goes under it is now closed for
                   area on the coast that's formed of about 40,000
                                                                                safety reasons. A similar rock formation in the same
                   stone columns. The columns have five, six or seven
                   sides and fit together like pieces of a jigsaw or            national park collapsed completely in 2008.
                   mosaic. Visitors can walk across the 'steps' of the
                   causeway to get to the sea.                             I

                   Fair5                                                                              o

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