Page 172 - PDF_Oxford Grammar for Schools 5_Neat 1
P. 172
Listening O R8.2 You will hear a museum tour guide talking to AT®
a group of visitors. Complete the information. Use one
O R8.1 You will hear a headteacher word in each space.
For each question, choose the correctO
welcoming pupils back to school.
answer A, B or C. THE MUSEUM OF FILM
How many new classrooms were built FACTS
during the summer holidays? The Museumof Filmwas ÿ opened in 1989
A 0 Two. by Prince Leo. 1
B ÿ Three. The museumis funded by the _
anddonations fromthe public.
C ÿ Four.
Anna Lake'sfilmOpen Doorwas madewhen
What happened to C Block? 2_
she was a inResidencehere.
A ¡ Someone broke two windows.
B Someone stole money from a TODAY 11a.m:Talk by Jim Bennett:
classroom. The way 1 3 _ it
C Someone damaged some WAX MODELCOLLECTION
computer equipment. Have your 4 _ takenwithyour
What will happen at the swimming pool favourite'star'!
A J The roof will be finished. FOR FIVEMINUTES!
B Everyone inthe school will have a Allthe minifilms willbe s _ on
swimming lesson there. the screen inthe café.
C Someone will fill the pool with 6
Your 'mini'film _ be chosen to
be includedinthe People's FilmProject.
What will be announced on Friday?
A The title for the new writing NEW!THE REALTHING
competition-. COLLECTION
B ] The winners of the Short Story See 7 _ and accessories which
Competition. were usedinfamous films.
C The prizes for the next writing
NOTE:Cinema 21will beclosedfrom 10a.m.until12p.m.
today while a new 8 _ is installed.
Pupils who entered the Short Story mm ÿ
competition 1 1
A might havetheir story printed in
the school magazine. Speaking
B will have their story printed in the
8 Work in pairs. Look at these photographs of people
school magazine.
using professional services.Take turns to talk about
C have had their story printed in the
what you can see in your pictures.
school magazine.
What will the school nurse be checking?
A ~\ The pupils'ears.
B _J The pupils'eyes.
C H] The pupils'hearts.
Why does the headmaster ask the pupils
to bring plastic bottles to school?
A J They are recycled at school.
B They are needed for science
C The school is given money for them
by the recycling centre.
172 Revision 8 Exam preparation