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P. 169
Units 25-29 Exam preparation
Look at the text in each question. What does it say? Tick ÿ A, B or C.
T-shirt printing
Hi Ed
You might not recognize me when
you see me - Ihad my hair cut on
Monday! Your T-shirt will
be transformed!
2-hour service
ÿ A Milly might goto the hairdresser's
3 A _ You can have a photo printed onto a T-shirt.
B 0 Milly's hair is shorter now. B YourT-shirt might be printed in two hours.
C Milly cut her hair herself. C You can print a photo onto a T-shirt
0 0
IMsswiffiffifflgpmlw&s MiKe
©¡perneé hf Qmm. Ca&erlíi© II Vo\it forget to put 6m cream onÿ
when you qo +¿> the beach. Tne ói/n é
m16Nwate2® réáily étfS'ü§ rSb-) M ÿ
0 MiM
1 A Queen Catherine had the swimming pool ?5 /ÿMember what the doctor
tO\¿ yOV!
B Queen Catherine opened the swimming
C Queen Catherine will open the swimming 4 Mike's mum
pool. A J thinks Mike might get sunburnt.
B got sunburnt at the beach.
C was told by the doctor to use sun cream.
I won't be at your house until
i>v tfluA' tjtops about six because I'm going into
town to have my nails painted.
bxyuil-modU' aponldMy
uJ)u> OJI& ÿold QoMo OJyuHLyJt Mandy
o cu-onks.
5 A Mandy's nails will be painted by her friend
in town.
2 A Beth Smith makes all the clothes. B Mandywill paint her nails this afternoon.
B The clothing workers don't get a fair amount C Mandy has planned to pay someone to
of money for their work. paint her nails.
C Beth Smith sells clothes that were made by
fairly-paid workers.
Exam preparation Units 25-29 169