Page 167 - PDF_Oxford Grammar for Schools 5_Neat 1
P. 167

2 ©O 29.1 Listen to the sentences and answer                     1 5 O29.2 Now listen to Ryan's story and check the.r
                the question about pronunciation.Then listen         O             order of the pictures.
                again and repeat.
                1 Haveyou had your hair cut?                                  Í6 Write the sentences.
                2 I've had my shoes polished.                                      ÿ  x-rayed/I/it/had                                    O
                3 She's having her eyes tested.                                        I had it x-rayed.
                4 Imight have my feet measured.
                                                                                   1 haveto/them/tested/I/have
                In sentences with hovesomething done which
                word do we usually stress?                                         2 by/I/it/had/bandaged/a nurse
                a have   _
                b the object (your hair, my shoes, her eyes,                       3 repaired/having/tomorrow/I'm/it
                   my feet)
                c the past participle (cut, polished,tested,                       4 cut and styled/it/I'd/in a new way/had
                   measured) _
                                                                                   5 them/hadn't had/forages/I/measured
             3 Look at the signs in exercise 1but cover the
                sentences 1-5.How many of the sentences can
                you remember?                                                      Work in pairs.Think about Ryan's story.What do it
                                                                                   and them refer to in each sentence in exercise 6?

                  You  can have your naiIsÿ¡ainted.                                  ( had it x-rayed, 'it' Is his amt.
                  you cat*, have ...                                                 He had his at-mx-rayed.

                                                                                   the same as the first. Use havesomething done O
                                                                                   Complete the second sentence so that it means
           $4            Work in pairs. What's happening in each
                          picture? What order (1-6) do you think
                                                                                   and include the word inbrackets.
                         the pictures go in?
                                                                                   ÿ  We had to pav someone to cut a spare kev for
                                                                                   r   » N-  Iiw V4  V KS  Vy W V  «SXS IIIV- \/ IIV.  W  V. V* V  V4  JK/ Ul  I \ N— V  I \/
                                                                                      us last week, (have)
                                                                                      We had to have a s-pare teey    cut last week.

                                                                                   1 Someone is cleaning the windows today.
                                                                                      We  _ today, ('re)
                                                                                   2 When did someone last cut your hair?
                                                                                      When   _                          ? (did)
                                                                                   3 Nobody has ever taken our photo at school.
                                                                                      We've                              at school, (never)
                                                                                   4 Imight pay for someone to print her name on
                                                                                      this plate.
                                                                                      I _                          on this plate, (have)
                                                                                   5 Do you like peoplewashing your hair?
                                                                                      Do you                              ? (like)
                                                                                   6 They're going to deliver a pizza to his house
                                                                                      this evening.
                                                                                      He                             this evening.

                      He's havivÿg his  feet  measured in-picture
                      c and that's definitely the   -first -picture
                      because he hasn't had his hair cut yet.

                                 i  thlÿfe the next -picture Is ...

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